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DARPA Management, Administration and Security

DARPA Management, Administration and Security

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The Adaptive Execution Office sponsors operational immersion events to assist DARPA program managers early in their tenure. “PM Boot Camp,” as it is known, is intended to build program managers’ confidence in reaching out to relevant Service partners. The events place program managers in a ride-along role during live military exercises or operations, providing a forum for discussion and networking that can build enduring relationships with DARPA customers.
DARPA Public Affairs (PA) helps DARPA programs and the Agency as a whole achieve their goals through proactive, targeted communications. We help DARPA build and maintain strong relationships with diverse stakeholder audiences by providing clear, compelling and accurate information about the Agency’s research, its relevance to national security and its potential for revolutionary change.

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DARPA’s leadership and technical offices are supported by a dedicated team of management and administrative professionals responsible for ensuring the secure, efficient and nimble operation of the Agency. The offices that provide essential support to the Agency include:
DARPA today released Breakthrough Technologies for National Security, a biennial report summarizing the Agency’s historical mission, current and evolving focus areas and recent transitions of DARPA-developed technologies to the military Services and other sectors. The report’s release coincided with testimony by DARPA Director Arati Prabhakar before the Emerging Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee, at a hearing entitled “Department of Defense Fiscal Year 2016 Science and Technology Programs: Laying the Groundwork to Maintain Technological Superiority.”