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Logging Into the DAU Virtual Campus


In order to obtain an account for the DAU Virtual Campus, you must first register for a Web-based course through your Service/agency’s registration web site; Click Here for registration instructions.

Existing users: If you’re experiencing difficulty accessing your DAU Virtual Campus profile, please click on the link that best describes the problem or error message that you’re encountering:



CAC login initiates a login loop where the user is taken back to the login screen

This issue occurs when the user did not login with the username and password initially and change the default password that was sent to them.   If you are experiencing this please login with the username and password, change the default password to something known to you and you can then continue to login with CAC going forward without issue.


Oops! Unable to authenticate user credentials. Unable to retrieve user profile. Unable to retrieve user account information. Unable to find an AccountStore matching the certificate Issuer. Issuer: CN = DoD Root CA 3, OU=PKI, OU=DoD, O=U.S. Government, C=US

The above message will be generated if a user has a CAC that's associated to a DoD Root CA3 certificate. At this time, the DAU Identity Management system does not support this certificate. However, we are diligently working to correct this issue. As an immediate workaround, it is recommended that users login to the Identity Management system with their Username and Password. Login credentials may be retrieved from https://identity.dau.mil.


Alpha Numeric code appearing after attempting to login to https://learn.dau.mil

This issue is not an identity or SSO issue, rather a problem that is occurring on the Virtual Campus.

An alpha-numeric error message (ex. E82cc714-dbf5-4ab2) will generally appear when your Internet browser attempts to recover a previous session with our Website. This issue is not an Identity Management or Single Sign On issue, rather it is a problem that is occurring on the Virtual Campus.

Please access your account by using the steps below:

  1. Go to the following website: https//identity.dau.mil.
  2. Login with your Username and Password or CAC.
  3. After logging in, select the button labeled "Login to an SSO Application".
  4. You will be directed to your personal applications. Select the icon for the Virtual Campus.
  5. Afterwards, you will be redirected to your student account.

If you continue to experience login errors, please follow the steps below:

  1. Within Internet Explorer, click on your “Tools” menu.
  2. Select “Internet Options”.
  3. From the “General” tab, locate the section heading entitled “Browsing History”.
  4. Click on the “Delete” button.
  5. If the subsequent dialog box gives you an option to “Preserve favorite website data”, please uncheck this option.
  6. Please be sure to delete your “Temporary Internet Files” and “Cookies”; the other choices on this dialog are entirely optional.
  7. For this modification to be effective, it will be necessary to close ALL Internet Explorer windows.
  8. You may then start a new session by accessing https://identity.dau.mil/.
  9. Please follow steps 2 - 5 above to be directed to your Virtual Campus account. 


* * NEW Registration Login Process for Industry/Contractor Employees * *

Due to the restriction that requires individuals to use a DoD CAC to register for courses, DAU has partnered with ATRRS and implemented a solution. Beginning September 9th, 2016 Industry/Contractor users (with or without a CAC) will be able to login to the Industry Training Application System and register for courses by authenticating through DAU’s Identity Management System.

Click Here for step-by-step instructions that outline the new login process.

Click Here for instructions to apply for a course through the Industry Training Application System.


Certificate Error – “There is a problem with this website’s security certificate”

Digital certificates are used to enable secure/encrypted connections, via Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), between your computer and a web site. If you’re receiving a warning that our site is untrusted/insecure, your computer may not have the latest version of the DoD Root Certificates.

Most users that encounter related certificate problems are using a computer that belongs to a non-DoD/private sector organization, or their own personal computer; DoD-issued computers are generally updated frequently to include these certificates. Please Click Here to obtain step-by-step installation instructions.


Distorted/Overlapping Text on the Login Page
- or -
The Page Refreshes to the DoD Warning Banner After Choosing “Login”

Users may encounter display or functionality issues with the DAU Virtual Campus if they’re using a newer version of Microsoft Internet Explorer to access the site. Users with Internet Explorer 8+ may need to enable their browser’s Compatibility View setting for the login page to display and function as intended. The steps to enable Compatibility View may vary depending on your platform and personal configurations. Please Click Here to obtain a list of steps that may be used to enable this setting.


Retrieving a Username or Password/Unlocking an Account

DAU has implemented an Identity Management and Single Sign-On (SSO) solution which will allow users to access multiple resources with their smartcard (CAC) or a single set of login credentials. If you are attempting to log into any of the following resources, you will need to use your SSO Credentials. Additional DAU systems will use this system for login access in the future.

If you do not remember your username and/or password, please access DAU’s Identity Management website at https://identity.dau.mil/ and choose the appropriate option:

I Forgot My Username: You will be prompted to enter the email address that’s been supplied on your DAU profile (or your most recent training application). If you enter an email address recognized by our database, you will receive your  username in a system generated email sent to the email address associated with your account. If you do not receive an email within a few minutes, you may have entered an incorrect email address. Therefore, you should return to the website and ensure you are entering the correct email address.

Reset Password & Unlock Account: You will be prompted to enter your DAU login (which is your SSO Username) or your email address to identify the appropriate account.  After submitting your username/email, the system will then ask you to answer the security questions you established when setting up your self-service profile to complete the “Unlock” or “Password Reset” process. 

NOTE: If this is your first time accessing DAU since the deployment of SSO in February 2014, you will not be able to use the self-service “Reset Password & Unlock Account” feature until you have successfully logged into your account to create your profile security questions.  Please contact the Help Desk if you require a manual password reset.

New/First-time users should follow the course application procedures to establish an account to access the Virtual Campus.


Unable to login using a Common Access Card (CAC)

There are a number of PC configuration items that may result in an unsuccessful CAC login attempt. Click Here to download a step-by-step troubleshooting guide that addresses common configuration issues.

User accounts are deactivated after 90 days of inactivity. If your account is not active, you will not be able to login, even with your CAC. Please contact the Help Desk to re-establish your access if you are receiving a notice that your “account is not active.”


“Internet Explorer Cannot Display the Webpage”

If you are unable to access the DAU Virtual Campus login page, this error may indicate that your computer does not have the required DoD Root Certificates installed. The certificates are required to establish a secure connection between your computer and our website. Please Click Here to obtain instructions on obtaining the latest DoD certificates.


Login to DAU Blackboard / Accessing Pre-Course Assignments

It is recommended that students first access the DAU Virtual Campus to see their enrollment details (pre-course start date, classroom start date, instructor contact information, etc.).  By selecting the “Launch” button for your resident/classroom course, you will be directed to DAU Blackboard where you may access your training materials from the “Course List” on the right side of the page.  If you are not familiar with Blackboard, please Click Here to download a step-by-step user guide.

NOTE: As of February 2014, students may now use their single sign-on (SSO) Identity credentials to access DAU Blackboard directly.  If you experience difficulty accessing your pre-course materials from the Virtual Campus, please restart your Internet browser and attempt to login by accessing https://myclass.dau.mil/.

Students participating in the DAU Fulfillment Program may access course fulfillment guides and browse public course materials by selecting the “Public Use” tab (top-right) from the Blackboard homepage; it is NOT necessary to “login” to access this resource.


Opensaml::BindingException / Security Policy Exception Error

Please follow the steps outlined below to overcome this issue:
  1. Within Internet Explorer, click on your “Tools” menu (or hold down “ALT” + “T” on your keyboard).
  2. Select “Internet Options.”
  3. Under the heading for “Browsing History,” please choose the “Settings” button.
  4. Ensure that the option “Every time I visit the webpage” is selected and choose “OK” at the bottom.
  5. Click on the “Delete” button, also located under “Browsing History.”
  6. Ensure that the option to “Preserve favorites website data” is NOT checked.
  7. “Temporary Internet Files” and “Cookies” SHOULD be checked; the other choices on this dialog are recommended, but optional.
  8. Choose “Delete” at the bottom.
  9. Click on the “Content” tab at the top of the Internet Options dialog.
  10. Choose “Clear SSL State,” and then click “Ok” on the confirmation window that appears.
  11. Click “OK” again to close the Internet Options dialog.
  12. Close all Internet Explorer windows to ensure these changes are effective.
  13. You may then return to https://learn.dau.mil/ to start a new login session.

NOTE: If you experience any certificate errors or security warnings when accessing the website, you may also need to install the latest version of the DoD root certificates for your web browser to properly authenticate with our site. Instructions to overcome the certificate error may be found by accessing:


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