Well-child Care

Covered by TRICARE?Limits

For children under age 6 (from birth through age 5)

TRICARE covers well-child care for children under age 6 (from birth through age 5) including:

  • Newborn care such as:
    • Routine care in the hospital
    • Circumcision
    • Newborn screening 
  • History and physical examination 
  • Mental health assessment
  • Developmental and behavioral appraisal
    • Height and weight
    • Head circumference until age 2
    • Eye and vision screening by primary care provider at birth and at around 6 months 
    • Audiology (hearing) screening before 1 month old. Additional audiologic screening/testing is covered for infants at high risk for hearing loss.  
    • Dental Screenings
  • Routine immunizations
  • Heredity and metabolic screening
  • Tuberculin test at 12 months of age and once during 2nd year
  • Hemoglobin or hematocrit testing once during first year and once during 2nd year
  • Urinalysis once during first year and once during 2nd year
  • Annual blood pressure screening for children between 3 and 6 years
  • Blood Lead Testing
  • Health guidance and counseling, including breast feeding and nutrition
  • Routine eye exams by an ophthalmologist or optometrist beginning at age 3 until age 6. 
Well-Child Care >> More Videos
  • Watch this video to get an overview of your Well Child benefit.

This list of covered services is not all inclusive. TRICARE covers services that are medically necessary and considered proven. There are special rules or limits on certain services, and some services are excluded.

Last Updated 10/4/2016

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