U.S. Department of Defense - Missile Defense Agency

U.S. Department of Defense - Missile Defense Agency

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Continental United StateS Interceptor Site

Environmental Impact Statement

The MDA continues to prepare the congressionally-mandated Continental United States Interceptor Site (CIS) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to evalue sites for a potential additional ground-based interceptor site. This EIS is required by the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act.

The Department of Defense has not made a decision to deploy or construct an additional interceptor site. There currently is no expressed military requirement for an additional ground-based interceptor site.

An EIS is being prepared for the following military installations:

  1. Fort Custer Training Center – Michigan Army National Guard, Augusta, Michigan
  2. Camp Ravenna Joint Military Training Center – Ohio Army National Guard, Portage and Trumbull Counties, Ohio
  3. Fort Drum, Fort Drum, New York

On January 16, 2016, MDA designated the Center for Security Forces Detachment Kittery Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape Facility (SERE East), Redington Township, Maine, as an alternative considered but not carried forward due to significant environmental impacts, cost and constructability issues.

The MDA announced the availability of the Draft EIS in the Federal Register on May 31, 2016. The MDA encourages all interested members of the public, as well as federal, state, and local agencies to review and provide comments on the Draft EIS. Comments received will be addressed in the Final EIS.

Public Comment Period Extended to August 17:

The MDA is extending the public comment period for the Draft EIS. Due to the complexity of the Draft EIS, cooperating agencies requested an extension to the public comment period to have additional time to review the Draft EIS. The public comment period was set to end July 18 and has been extended by 30 days. The public comment period will now end on August 17, 2016. Notice of this extension was issued in the Federal Register on July 15. MDA is still on track to complete the Final EIS later this year.

CIS Draft EIS documents

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