U.S. Department of Defense - Missile Defense Agency

U.S. Department of Defense - Missile Defense Agency

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Frequently Asked Questions

US-Israeli Ballistic Missile Defense Programs

What are the U.S.-Israeli Ballistic Missile Defense Programs?

The U.S. missile defense relationship with Israel extends back to 1986. Current efforts revolve around three major research and development programs and a new procurement agreement for Iron Dome. Programs include the Arrow System Improvement Program, the David's Sling Weapon System project, and the Upper-Tier Interceptor project, known as Arrow-3. The U.S. and Israel jointly manage program cost, schedule and performance.

What is the Arrow program?

The Arrow Weapon System (AWS) program is a cooperative program between the United States and Israel to develop a ballistic missile defense system for Israel. Cooperation between the nations on the Arrow program began in 1988 as a series of technology experiments. It evolved into the co-development and co-funding of Israel’s deployed AWS.

Is the Arrow Weapons System a consideration for the U.S. missile defense capability?

There are no plans at this time to integrate Arrow into the Ballistic Missile Defense System.

Is the Arrow Weapon System in consideration for export to other countries?

There are no signed export agreements for the Arrow Weapon System at this time. Future export considerations will be subject to agreements between the United States and Israel. The Green Pine radar, a component of the Arrow Weapon System, was approved for export to select countries.

What is overall budget for the Arrow Weapon System? What is the U.S. contribution?

Per the U.S. Department of Defense-Israeli Ministry of Defense project agreements, the overall estimated budget for the Arrow Weapon System for FY14, to include non-financial contributions, is $163M. Of this amount, the U.S. contribution was $119M.

What is David’s Sling Weapon System (DSWS)?

The David’s Sling program is a cooperative effort between the U.S. and Israel to develop a defense against large caliber rockets and short-range ballistic missiles.

Is David’s Sling a consideration for the U.S. missile defense capability?

The Missile Defense Agency continues to evaluate David’s Sling Weapon System capabilities against current and future U.S. requirements.

Is David’s Sling in consideration for export to other countries?

There are no signed export agreements for the David’s Sling Weapon System at this time. Future export considerations will be subject to agreements between the United States and Israel.

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