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Understanding customer concerns and acting on customer feedback are key to ensuring that programs and processes meet the needs of the travel community. DTMO collects feedback through the Travel Assistance Center (TAC) questionnaire.

Customer Satisfaction Survey (QuickCompass)

The QuickCompass is an annual survey that provides a scientific representation of DoD travelers' satisfaction with the Defense Travel System. Participants of this survey are chosen at random. It is administered using a web-based polling vehicle that is supported by the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC), Human Resource Static Assessment Program. Three surveys have been conducted; the results of which are available on the DMDC website.

Travel Assistance Center Feedback

DTMO rates the quality of assistance provided by the TAC. It is done through the Ticket Management System. Questionnaires are emailed to every tenth registered user who has had a closed ticket. Users will not receive a survey more than once in a 60 day period. The feedback data is used to pinpoint needed process improvements at the TAC.


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