
Place a Bid


Prior to placing a bid please read the Sale By Reference July 2012, this pamphlet describes the  terms, conditions and articles contained in the sales auction.

Place A Bid        

To bid on property that is for sale go to 


Correction to a Bid


Making corrections to bids that were placed on-line can be made via the on-line bidding page or can be faxed to the appropriate sales office conducting the sale.  The last bid received will be considered the final correct bid.  All corrections must be received by the appropriate sales office by the time set for bid opening. 

Please do not email your bid corrections to the Webmaster.


Bid Forms


The following forms can be used for International, National, and Local sales.  Please fax or mail the required form to the appropriate office conducting the sale on which you are bidding.  It is important that the Sale Number is on the form that is submitted.

Standard Form 114/114B - Invitation for Bid


End Use Certificate (EUC), DLA Form 1822  In accordance with a statement from the DoD Clearance Officer, Information Management Division, Washington Headquarters Service, DLA's request     to OMB for extending use of the DLA Form 1822 has been granted.  DLA Form 1822      has been approved for continued use and now will expire on 07/31/11.

DLA Form 1822 Instructions

The DLA Form 1822 is also loaded on our facsimile machine, (269) 961-5283. You may   "poll" the form if your facsimilie machine has the polling capability.

NOTICE: To all new bidders-All signers of the End Use Certificate (EUC) will be required   to submit a copy of their Drivers License along with the DLA Form 1822.  If the signer of the EUC indicates they were born in a foreign country (other than the United States of America, or possession of the USA), and they have indicated on page 2 of the EUC that they are a US citizen, they must provide proof of their US citizenship by passport or naturalization papers. Foreign bidders must provide a Government Issued Identification.

Statement of Intent - DRMS Form 1645

United States                   Foreign