Naval Sea Systems Command

 Sea Sparrow

 Sea Sparrow

Energetic materials (reactive chemicals), formulations (propellants, explosives, pyrotechnics), and subsystem components (fuzes, detonators, boosters, igniters, safe & arm devices) are critical to the performance and reliability of weapon systems as well as our Nation’s defense. Applications include missile, rocket, and gun propulsion; stores or ordnance separation; warheads and munitions; obstacle and mine clearance; flares; decoys; fire suppression; and aircrew escape. Energetics, inherently dangerous, require special processes, equipment, facilities, environmental considerations, and safety precautions. At EMTC, we keep this in mind while ensuring the availability of safe, affordable, and quality products. The Center develops solutions to manufacturing problems unique to military system/subsystem acquisition and production requirements and the energetics industry.
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