Strong Passwords Create Strong Defense!
October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month. This blog talks about the importance of having strong passwords and shares some tips on how to do that.
Trina Zwicker
U.S. European Command Cyber Directorate
1 photo: Trina Zwicker U.S. European Command Cyber Directorate
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It's that dreaded attempt to log onto your account and you are prompted to reset your password. Your mind goes blank...what can you change it to that you won't forget? No need to fret, it doesn't have to be painful, or take lots of time to make sure your online accounts are secure.

Here are a few excellent recommendations and tips to guarantee a strong password:

  • Make passwords long and strong by using sentences or intentional misspellings
  • If you write it down- keep it safe. Store password lists in a safe, secure place and away from your computer
  • Don't be lazy! Create your own passwords and avoid using password generator websites

I recommend you try phrases for passwords. Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

 My$cat$Eats$Mice                    your*Password*Is*Strong                    I!Want!1!More!Cookie

What is a weak password?  Typically, the most vulnerable passwords are:

  • Shorter than 7 characters
  • Single English words or names
  • A key sequences from a row on the keyboard
  • Missing capital letters and special characters (!@#$%^&*)

Here are just a few examples of the most common vulnerable passwords:

123456         qwerty        abc123        111111        password        12345678          000001         iloveyou               adobe123           myname1

If any of these passwords seem familiar, then it's time to change them to better protect your information. You are the first line of defense in keeping your online information safe.

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