
advisory panel on streamlining and codifying acquisition regulations
Section 809 of the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act established the Advisory Panel on Streamlining and Codifying Acquisition Regulations (809 Panel) to review the acquisition regulations applicable to the Department of Defense with a view toward streamlining and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the defense acquisition process and maintaining a defense technology advantage. The panel is charged with making recommendations for the amendment or repeal of such regulations that the panel considers necessary, as a result of such review, to:
·         Establish and administer appropriate buyer and seller relationships in the procurement system
·         Improve the functioning of the acquisition system
·         Ensure the continuing financial and ethical integrity of defense procurement programs
·         Protect the best interests of the Department of Defense
·         Eliminate any regulations that are unnecessary for the purposes described




Questions or comments for the 809 Panel? Please use this format to submit your comments and suggestions for improving the Defense Acquisition System and email sec809@dau.mil.

DOD Advisory Panel Established to Improve Defense Acquisition

September 2016 Meeting Agenda 

Please note that the October 19th 809 Panel meeting is a planning meeting only. It will not open to the public.




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