Naval Sea Systems Command


Naval Systems Data Support Activity

Naval Systems Data Support Activity (NSDSA) has come a long way since its inception 35 years ago. What was once a large, labor-intensive organization with limited capabilities is now a lean, efficient, highly automated organization managing more than 200,000 Technical Manuals and their support functions for Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) and other naval activities.

NSDSA serves as NAVSEA's and Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command‘s Center of Excellence for technical manual infrastructure/support while improving and modernizing the delivery, quality and cost of our technical manual products and technical manual services.

History of NSDSA

The early NSDSA was an organization of more than 140 people performing numerous manual tasks to manage the NAVSEA Technical Manual program.

Today, NSDSA consists of fewer than 35 persons using automated capabilities to establish and maintain guidelines and processes that result in improvements in optimization of in-service support for combat/weapon systems, equipment's and ship programs. In addition to managing the Technical Manual program for NAVSEA (the original charter), NSDSA also manages the Technical Manual Management Program (TMMP) for Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR), and the Air Traffic Control and Combat Identification (ATC&CI) program for Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), which it has managed since the early 1990s.


35 years ago, the NSDSA needed 140 people to manage a few thousand manuals.

Today, 35 people use automated capabilities to manage the more than 200,000 technical manuals used by our fleet.

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