Naval Sea Systems Command

Core Competencies
The Carderock Division has a very comprehensive set of technical capabilities to support its mission. These capabilities cover all aspects of surface ship and submarine hull mechanical and electrical systems (HM&E) and cross all life cycles. In essence, the Division supports ships from keel to masthead and from cradle to grave.

The Division's technical capabilities were developed to support Navy and military requirements. However, because the mission of the Division is oriented to platform systems and not weapon systems, many of these capabilities are equally applicable to commercial ships. In fact, the legislation establishing the Division specifically requires the Division to "provide support to the Maritime Administration and maritime industry."
Design and Integration Technology
Specialized expertise for surface and undersea vehicle design including early concept development, assessment and selection of emerging technologies, integration of selected technologies into optimized total vehicle designs, and evaluation of those technologies and designs for cost, producibility, supportability and military effectiveness.

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Environmental Quality Systems
Facilities and expertise for research, development, design, human system integration, acquisition support, in-service engineering, fleet support, integrated logistic concepts and life-cycle management resulting in mission compatible, efficient and cost-effective environmental materials, processes and systems for fleet and shore activities.

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Hull Forms and Propulsors
Full-spectrum hydrodynamic capabilities (facilities and expertise) for research, development, design, analysis, testing, evaluation, acquisition support and in-service engineering in the area of hull forms and propulsors for the U.S. Navy.

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Signature and Silencing Systems
Research, development, design, testing, acquisition support, fleet guidance and training and in-service engineering for signatures on ships and ship systems for all current and future Navy ships and seaborne vehicles and their component systems and assigned personnel.

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Structures and Materials
Specialized facilities and expertise for the full spectrum of research, development, design, testing, acquisition support and in-service engineering in the area of materials and structures.

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Vulnerability and Survivability Systems
Full-spectrum capabilities (facilities and expertise) for research, development, design, testing, acquisition support and in-service engineering to reduce vulnerability and improve survivability of naval platforms and personnel.

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