Property Requiring Special Processing

DOD 4160.21-M, Chapter 4 lists the detailed guidance for disposition and disposal of over 70 items requiring special handling. It is recommended that generators coordinate turn-in of these items with servicing DLA Disposition Services’ site personnel (i.e., DSR) as property requiring special handling oftentimes requires additional instructions and/or certifications to accompany the DD Form 1348-1A.

The following list includes those items most commonly generated for disposal to DLA Disposition Services that require special handling/additional documentation.


The Aircraft Turn-In Checklist/Certification document was developed for use of turn-in to DLA Disposition Services for all categories of aircraft.The owning Military Service shall screen aircraft with the other Military Services and DOD activities, and then report excess to GSA. For specific turn-in information for Categories A, B, and C aircraft see DOD 4160.21-M, Chapter 4.

Aircraft Turn-in Checklist


For your use, DLA developed the DLA Form 2500 label based on the information required in Attachment 4 of the June 4, 2001 ASD Memorandum: “Disposition of Unclassified DOD Computer Hard Drives”. Please note that it also contains a block to check, if you are turning in housings where the hard drive(s) have been removed. This form can be printed on sticky labels. For access to the Turn-in Guide for Disposition of Unclassified Computer Hard Drives found on the DLA Disposition Service Website click here. Detailed instructions are also provided below.

CPUs without hard drive:


  • Ensure the hard drive is in fact removed.
  • Statement either on OR accompanying the DD Form 1348-1A in block 27 (Additional data): “The residue identified by this document meets the disposition requirements in accordance with the ‘DOD Memorandum, Disposition of Unclassified Computer Hard Drives,’ dated June 4. 2001.”
  • Label on chassis using DLA FORM 2500 (sample below) or equivalent. Fillable form:  Print name, rank/grade and signature of individual certifying the above information
  • Ensure all computer medias and cards are removed (i.e., floppy disks, smart card media, multi-media cards, CD-ROM media, etc.)


  • CPU chassis serial number in block 26
  • Statements in Block 27 of DTID:“Hard Drive(s) has been removed.”
  • Statement or letter stating CPU contains no classified, confidential or hazardous material.

CPUs with hard drive


  • Ensure the hard drive has been degaussed or overwritten IAW the DOD Memo “Disposition of Unclassified Computer Hard Drives,” dated June 4, 2001.
  • Statement either on OR accompanying the DD Form 1348-1A in block 27 (Additional Data): “The residue identified by this document meets the disposition requirements in accordance with the DOD Memorandum, ‘Disposition of Unclassified Computer Hard Drives,’ dated June 4, 2001.”
  • Label on chassis using DLA FORM 2500 (sample below) or equivalent
  • Ensure all computer medias and cards are removed (i.e., floppy disks, smart card media, multi-media cards, CD-ROM media, etc.)


Hard drive turn-in
  • Filled-out DLA FORM 2500 or equivalent is required on all hard drives.
  • Include the hard drive serial number (not necessary if hard drive is left in CPU).
  • A label is not required if hard drive is destroyed and turned in as scrap.


New and unused hard drive

New hard drives (in un-broken packaging): No labeling or certification required. Unused hard drives (not in original packaging): The ETID/DTID must contain a signed certification such as “Hard Drive(s) has/have not been used.”

DLA Form 2500, Certificate of Hard Drive Disposition [Please download this file to access the enclosed documents]


These items shall be banded or boxed before turn-in to the servicing DLA Disp Svcs site. Banding or boxing is necessary to prevent disabling or painful injury during loading, unloading operations, and any later handling which may be necessary.


  • Sewn on or embroidered insignia (i.e., stripes) and metal or plastic buttons need not be removed from uniforms.Such clothing maybe processed for RTDS with the insignia and/or buttons left intact.
  • Service medals, badges, ribbons or other decorations
  • Those attached to military clothing shall be removed prior to turn in.
  • Medals of Honor (and Service Ribbon) shall be destroyed by the generator



Requirements. Items assigned DEMIL code “F” with an NSN shall have physical DEMIL instructions specific to the item available from the item manager or DEMIL administrator. The purpose of the instructions is to provide procedures on how to safely accomplish the DEMIL. The instructions must be entered into the DOD DEMIL code “F” instructions repository on the TACOM-Unique Logistics Support Applications (TULSA) Website at




The military services may mutilate FSCAP at their option. When a FSCAP item is transferred to a DLA Disposition Services site for disposal, block 27 of the DTID will cite the appropriate Criticality Code for FSCAP items from those listed in DOD 4160.21-M Chapter 4, Attachment 3. The letters “FSCAP” shall be inserted in the remarks section of the DTID. Generators are responsible for ensuring that all available historical records/documentation are included at the time serviceable/repairable FSCAP are turned in to DLA Disp Svcs. Generating activities are responsible for mutilating FSCAP items that lack appropriate records/documentation or are unsalable. As such, only serviceable/repairable FSCAP authorized for reutilization, transfer, donation and sale, and accompanied by historical records/documentation, will be accepted by DLA Disp Svcs. Unused FSCAP, in original, undamaged packaging must be marked with NSN, Contract Number, CAGE Code(s), and part number. These data elements may be on the item, its original container/wrapping material or accompanying documentation.


Usable Foodstuffs, Meals or Rations will be received using standard receipt processes if the DTID/ETID contains the approval of the Subsistence Office of the Military Service having jurisdiction over the generating source of the foodstuffs and:

  • The reason for declaring the food excess, in specific terms.
  •  A determination from the subsistence office/veterinary service/medical officer or other authorized official that the foodstuffs are/are not fit for human or animal consumption.

If the subsistence office/veterinary service/medical officer determines that any foodstuffs proposed for DLA Disposition Services disposal are not fit for human or animal consumption, they will be disposed of as trash by the generating activity. (In such cases, foodstuffs should be clearly marked “CONDEMNED.”)

If the suitability of foodstuffs cannot be established, the food should be disposed of as trash.

Usable foodstuffs - Food items (such as in broken or damaged packaging, or rejected for nonconformance with U.S. Government specifications but authorized for sale) may be reported to DLA Disposition Services:
Include a statement as to reason for its specific rejection.

Before transfer of title, the generating activity shall remove or obliterate U.S. Government identification such as contract numbers, NSNs, and any other printing. Meals or rations (including survival packets that have been prepared and packaged in advance of the anticipated time or date of consumption) must include a determination by the veterinary service/medical officer that the subsistence is fit or unfit for human or animal consumption.



F-14 Parts or F-14 Related Parts must be shipped to DLA Disposition Services for processing. See all F-14 DLA Demil Bulletins and updates for further handling and disposition guidance.



Must be accompanied by a pertinent historical/maintenance record and a certification as to whether they contain depleted uranium. DLA Disp Svcs will not accept physical custody of property containing depleted uranium. Helicopter blades and tail rotors that have exceeded their finite life, are condemned for any other reason, or do not have an adequate historical/maintenance record shall be mutilated by the owning Military Service before turn into DLA Disp Svcs.



MPPEH (Material Potentially Presenting an Explosive Hazard) AND MPPEH RESIDUE

MPPEH is a designation for material that is owned or controlled by DOD that, prior to determination of its explosive safety status, potentially contains explosive hazards and/or munitions. MPPEH is addressed by DOD Instruction 4140.62, “Material Potentially Presenting an Explosive Hazard,” November 25, 2008. DLA Disposition Services must ensure that only Material Documented as Safe (MDAS) may be released to the public. As such, MPPEH property requires an MDAS Certification or Inert Certification prior to turn-in.

Fillable MDAS Certification

Inert Certificate

Sample MPPEH Appointment Letter

MDAS/Inert Certification must be included or attached to the DD Form 1348-1A and on each container/property.

Examples of MPPEH material include:

  • Munitions containers and packaging material
  • Munitions debris remaining after munitions use
  • Demilitarization residue
  • Disposal and range-related debris
  • Material potentially containing a high enough concentration of explosives such that the material presents and explosive hazard such as: equipment, drainage systems, holding tanks, piping, and ventilation ducts that were associated with munitions productions, demilitarization, or disposal operations.

MDAS is MPPEH that has been assessed and documented as not presenting an explosive hazard. MDAS Certification requires two independent signatures by trained and certified personnel.

The first signatory must be a technically-qualified, DOD employee or DOD Contractor who either witnessed or performed the initial 100-percent inspection or DDESB (Defense Explosive Safety Board)-approved processing of the material. The second signatory must be a technically-qualified, U.S. citizen who is either a DOD employee or DOD Contractor who either performed or witnessed the 100-percent re-inspection or conducted an independent quality assurance inspection of processed material using an approved sampling method. Each signatory must ensure the chain of custody was maintained before signing the explosives safety documentation.

The following MPPEH will be accepted by DLA Disposition Services as long as the MPPEH is certified Inert and includes an Inert Certification:

  • Small arms and light weapons (complete weapon)
  • Barrel assembly and upper receiver
  • Ammunition pouches/outer tactical vests/individual load-bearing equipment/Modular Lightweight Load Carrying Equipment (MOLLE)
  • Ammunition magazines and clips
  • Bandoleers and ammunition belts
  • Dummy munitions



Serviceable Uniforms: Send to DLA Disposition Services for reutilization screening

Unserviceable uniforms: Work with DLA Disposition Services for transportation to incinerator.

Unserviceable uniforms that are scrap: Work with DLA Disposition Services for transportation to scrap contractor.

Body Armor - Active Army Component:
All body armor turn-ins including ceramic plates will be turned into the supporting Central Issue Facility (CIF) or Supply Support Activity (SSA) for classification and final disposition prior to shipment to DLA Disposition Services.

  • Interceptor Body Armor (IBA) is composed of the Outer Tactical Vest/Improved Outer Tactical Vest (OTV/IOTV), the Small Arms Protective Inserts/Enhanced Small Arms Protective Inserts and ceramic plates (SAPI/ESAPI), and the IBA components.
  • Body Armor components include but are not limited to: ballistic collars, throat protectors, groin protectors, wing assemblies, yoke assembly, cable release assembly, and Deltoid Auxiliary (brand name) Protectors (DAP), Enhanced-Side Ballistic Inserts (E-SBI).
  • CIF facilities in CONUS West/Pacific/ will ship to DLA Disposition Services Centralized Demilitarization Division (CDD) at Tucson Arizona, CONUS Mid America, Eastern sites including Puerto Rico will ship to Pine Bluff, Arkansas. CIF facilities in OCONUS/Europe will ship to Centralized Demilitarization Division in Kaiserslautern Germany. *Note: DLA DISPOSITION SERVICESRs in Puerto Rico will verify the Kind, Count, Condition of body armor, and send paperwork to their servicing field site to be brought on record before property is shipped to Pine Bluff, AR.

Body Armor - Army Reserve Units:

Always ship all Body Armor IOTV AND ESAPI to the CIF at Sierra Army Depot (regardless of condition code) as stated in memorandum dated 21 Oct 2011 at Army’s expense. Specific instructions are listed in Reserve forces memorandum.


Body Armor - Army National Guard Units:

Will always ship all Body Armor IOTV AND ESAPI to their corresponding state CIF for disposition at Army’s expense.


Body Armor - Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force Units:

DLA Disposition Services sites will accept IBA and components from individual Navy/Marine Corps, and Air Force units.



Biological Radiological Nuclear Defense (CBRN-D) - Individual Protective Equipment (IPE) Clothing and Textiles.

JEFS (Joint Enterprise Fielding and Surveillance Office), formerly called JEAP (Joint Equipment Assessment Program) personnel should be contacted to resolve questions about the identity of CBRN-D/IPE property.

NBC/CBRN-D turn in guidance can be found at:



Example: Dials with radium

Sample RAD Certification:


Sample Refrigerant Removal Statement:

DLA Disp Svcs Form 2016


Ozone Depleting Substances or Refrigerant Chemicals: The Defense Logistics Agency is assigned the mission of managing the Defense Reserve of Ozone Depleting Substances to ensure that the supplies for mission critical uses are available.



Equipment must be empty and unlocked. The lock shall be reset to a combination of 50-25-50 by the generating activity and properly tagged or marked by the generating activity before turn in. Combination padlocks shall be reset to 10-20-30 by the generating activity and properly tagged or marked by the generating activity before turn in. Older safes may have asbestos and must be treated as hazardous material. For guidance on disposal of safes containing asbestos, see DOD 4160.21-M, Chapter 10, Attachment 1, paragraph 2, Environmentally Regulated and Hazardous Property.



DD Form 1348-1A is required for every vehicle (Include POC info on the DTID)

DEMIL-required vehicles may require certain DEMIL actions prior to turn-in to DLA Disposition Services and in accordance with the DOD Instruction 4160.28-M: DOD DEMIL Program. A DEMIL Certificate may be required in such situations.

Generating activities shall furnish the following information on vehicles in FSG 23, 24, 38, and 39 that have a commercial application.

  • List and value of any major components that are missing (or have been reclaimed) such as engine, transmission, differential, wheels, axles, or doors, which would impair the use of the vehicle, regardless of the other repairs that are necessary. 
  • One-time cost of repairs (parts and labor), based on a copy of the LTI (Limited Technical Inspection).
  • A fillable DLA Form 1730 may be found on the DLA Disposition Services website:[1].pdf 
  • The vehicle maintenance record.


Vehicles turned in to DLA Disp Svcs should not contain more than 25 percent fuel in the tank (one-quarter tank).

An Inert Certification or MDAS Certification is required for vehicles used in combat, simulated combat training (live fire) or used on a firing range.

Vehicles that have not been used in combat, simulated combat training (live fire), or used on a firing range, do not require an Inert or MDAS certification but it is recommended. At minimum, if no MDAS or Inert Certification is provided, the turn-in activity must provide the clear text statement on the turn-in document: “Vehicle does not require MDAS or INERT”.

Vehicles turned in as battle damaged, true scrap, or that are verified by the DSR as having no reutilization potential require the following:

  • Drain and Purge statement/certification attesting that ALL fluids have been drained and purged.
  • Refrigerant Removal certification (for removal of ozone depleting substances (ODS) i.e. Freon in air conditioners if present)
  • Removal of batteries


Vehicles turned into Europe require 21st Theater Sustainment Command signature on the DD Form 1348-1A.

Other requirements may exist in contingency operations:

  • Human remains certification
  • Mortuary letter signed by appropriate authority
  • MDAS Certification for MPPEH for ALL vehicle turn-ins


M-Series Vehicles:

Turn in of any vehicle that matches NIINS on the list requires a Radiation Officers certification that the radium dials are removed. See Army Technical Order TG-238 (June-1999), Procedures for removing Radium 226 Gauges from TRUCK/ CARGO VEHICLES or click here for instructions provided on the DLA Disposition Services website


A DEMIL Certificate is required to verify that required DEMIL actions were completed (per DOD 4160.28-M, Volume 3) prior to turn-in to DLA Disp Svcs.