Naval Sea Systems Command

Depot Level Maintenance
NAVSEA has established a diving depot at their Emergency Ship Salvage Material (ESSM) facilities at Williamsburg, VA and Pearl Harbor, HI for intermediate and depot level maintenance of diver life support systems (DLSS). These facilities were established to meet what was perceived as a need for quality, timely maintenance and repair capabilities for DLSS. Navy system certification imposes very specific requirements for procedure, quality and documentation for all work performed on equipment identified as within the scope of certification. Many Navy diving commands have experienced difficulty in locating local companies with the capability to perform the work required while complying with all procedural and documentation requirements. While not intending to replace local companies who provide quality service to the fleet, the ESSM Diving Depot was established to give the Fleet an option where this service is not readily available locally or where the local firms cannot provide the service required in a timely fashion.

The ESSM CAX facility has the ability to perform almost all required maintenance and repair of DLSS equipment. Where this facility does not have a needed capability they have the ability to contract out for the needed work.

Specific depot level maintenance capable of being performed at the Cheatham Virginia ESSM facility include:

• Hydrostatic test of cylinders, flasks , volume tanks and filter housings.  
• Clean DLSS systems and components to MIL-STD 1330D. 
• Repair/adjustment of MK 21 helmet regulator and helmet shell fiberglass repairs.
• Gauge calibration for both air and O2 gauges.
• Repair of HYDROCOM diver communication boxes.
• Assembly, repair and testing of diver umbilicals and system hose assemblies.

The ESSM facility in Pearl Harbor can support hydrostatic testing and they maintain a O2 clean room for cleaning of system components. DoD Activities requiring DLSS depot maintenance should review the "HOW TO SHEET" (on Secure.SUPSALV - ESSM Enterprise page) and also contact to establish work requirements.



ESSM maintains Diving Life Support Systems (DLSS) for emergency issue to Navy commands. Contact with specific requirements.   

DLSS equipment maintained at ESSM include:

Quantity Equipment
1 FADS III in either configuration 1 or 3D
4 KM-37 helmets
4 300’ umbilicals
4 600’ umbilicals
1 Communications box
1 HP SCUBA air compressor (8 CFM)
1 HP air compressor (26 CFM)

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