Total Army Personnel Command letterhead
TAPC-CPP-T  October 15, 1993


SUBJECT: Exceptions Permitted to Army Regulation Regarding Non-Government Training


1. Reference our memorandum, dated 26 Jul 93, subject: Policy Regarding Non-Government Training (copy enclosed).

2. We erroneously attempted, in the enclosed memorandum, to issue policy changes to Army Regulation 690-400, Chapter 410, without complying with the requirements of AR 25-30. In accordance with AR 10-12, paragraph 4j, an exception to this regulation is granted, allowing the commanders of local activities to delegate the authority to approve non-Government short-term training to line managers. We are staffing an interim change to the regulation that will authorize this delegation and change several other parts of the regulation.

3. We request that the training of line managers and other procedures contained in paragraph 2a(l)-(3) of the referenced memorandum be followed, if the commander elects to delegate the authority to approve non-Government training to line managers. We urge that the managers be trained before they are delegated the authority.

4. We also grant an exception to the policy on the requirement in the regulation that "a narrative statement fully justifying the training" be included with non-Government training requests, at the discretion of the local commanders. We urge that block 18 of DD Form 1556 be used to record the intent of the training, if the commander chooses to eliminate the requirement for the justification.

5. We ask that MACOMs report to us the local activities that decide to use either of these exceptions. The Command Judge Advocate (TAPC-JA) has concurred with this memorandum. The point of contact is Mr. Bob Talbot, DSN 221-1348 or commercial (703) 325-1348.

6. Civilian Training and Leader Development - AN INVESTMENT IN THE FUTURE!

//Original signed //
Robert C. Zenda
Chief, Training and Leader
Development Branch