Total Army Personnel Command letterhead
TAPC-CPP-T  26 JUL 1993


SUBJECT: Policy Changes on Non-Government Training


1. Reference Army Regulation 690-400, Chapter 410, Training

2. Effective immediately, two changes to the training regulation are authorized. These changes are defined and explained below.

a. Subject to the requirements outlined below, installation and activity commanders may delegate the authority to approve short-term (120 calendar days or less) non-Government training to line managers (ref. subchapter 3, para. 6.e.(2) of AR 690-400, Chapter 410). This delegation has been successfully tested at the U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command, Fort Monmouth, N.J. for more than two years.

(1) Most important, managers involved in the approval process must be trained in the proper procedures and their responsibilities, before these managers are delegated the authority to approve non-Government training. We have enclosed a prototype program of instruction to use in the training of managers. A checklist for managers to use when reviewing non-Government training requests is also enclosed. Local activities may modify the checklist to include factors that are to be considered at particular local activities.

(2) The training office must conduct periodic post audits of the approvals (the oversight responsibility of the Employee Development Specialist cannot be abrogated).

(3) And, records must be maintained by the training office, so that the Army Civilian Personnel Evaluation Agency can look at approvals. The completion of non-Government training approved by line managers must be recorded in the Army Civilian Personnel System (ACPERS).

b. If servicing agreements with the commanders of tenant activities include the approval of non-Government training by the servicing Civilian Personnel Office (CPO), and now these commanders elect to hold the approving authority themselves, an understanding should be reached with those commanders regarding the role of the CPO in guiding them in the performance of their responsibilities.

c. The second change: the requirement that "a narrative statement fully justifying the training" be included with non-Government training requests (subchapter 3, para. 6.i.(5) of AR 690-400, Chapter 410) is eliminated for cases where the intent of the training is clear. An example of training with a clear intent is basic automated data processing equipment training, including operator training for existing or due-in equipment, system administrator duties training, and training for specific word processing functions and software applications. We urge that block 18 of DD Form 1556 (Training Objectives) be used to record the intent of the training or a brief justification. This block of the form provides sufficient space to satisfy the documentation requirements for most non-Government training requests.

4. These changes in policy are based upon approval of two suggestions under the Army Ideas for Excellence Program and will be incorporated in the next revision to the Army Regulation.

5. The point of contact for these changes is Mr. Bob Talbot, DSN 221-1348 or commercial (703) 325-1348.

//Original signed //
Robert C. Zenda
Chief, Training and Leader
Development Branch

Attachment 1
Attachment 2