Training & Events

To promote the best possible care for service members, veterans and their families, DVBIC offers a variety of training opportunities for military and civilian health care providers on the causes, symptoms and treatment of traumatic brain injury (TBI). These training opportunities are free and many provide health care professionals the chance to earn continuing education credits.

Here’s a list of training opportunities available.


DVBIC, in collaboration with Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury, hosts monthly webinars to provide information and facilitate discussion on a variety of topics related to TBI. The webinars are targeted to health care providers, but attendance is open to the public. Slide presentations, audio recordings, transcripts and resources related to these events are archived on the website. Visit Webinars for more information.

VA/DVBIC TBI Clinical Grand Rounds

DVBIC collaborates with Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to offer Traumatic Brain Injury Clinical Grand Rounds. These lectures occur quarterly and provide an opportunity for health care providers to learn more about caring for and treating service members and veterans with TBI, as well as discuss hot topics associated with TBI. Visit Grand Rounds for more information.


On an annual basis, DVBIC brings together experts and leading voices in all aspects of the treatment of TBI in the military to share the latest news and resources. Most events are hybrid — combining a live in-person event with a virtual component. Slide presentations, and video and audio recordings from these events are available on the website. Visit Conferences for more information.

Online Courses

DVBIC offers interactive Web-based trainings for health care providers to examine TBI topics such as definition, pathophysiology, assessment and treatment. Visit Online Courses for more information.

Additional Training

Provider Education for Clinical Recommendations

DVBIC provides complementary training slides for our clinical recommendations on the treatment of mild TBI. The training slides provide a comprehensive overview of the use of the clinical recommendation, and include knowledge tests and case studies to further educate providers on the appropriate use of the clinical recommendation. Training slides for the following clinical recommendations are available for download: