Political Figures

William Jennings Bryan was United States Army colonel, Secretary of State and presidential candidate. William J. Bryan in Scopes Monkey Trial against Clarence Darrow. (Section 4, site 3121)

Ronald Brown was United States Army captain and the first African American to hold the position of Secretary of Commerce (Clinton administration). (Section 6, site 8389)

John Foster Dulles was United States Army major and World War I veteran. He was appointed in the United States Senate from New York, serving out the term of Robert F. Wagner, who had retired due to ill-health. He was defeated for re-election. He subsequently served as Secretary of State in the administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. (Section 21, site 31)

John Wingate Weeks received an appointment to the United States Naval Academy, graduating in 1881, and serving two years in the United States Navy. He served as a United States Representative for Massachusetts from 1905 to 1913, as a United States Senator from 1913 to 1919 and as Secretary of War in the Warren G. Harding administration. (Section 5, Lot 7064)

Edward M. Kennedy served in the United State Army from 1951-1953. Senator Kennedy had represented the State of Massachusetts in the US Senate for 43 years. He is interred near the gravesites of his brothers Robert F. Kennedy and President John F. Kennedy. (Section 45)

John F. Kennedy enlisted in the Navy and became commander of a PT boat and fought in the Pacific Theater against the Japanese. Kennedy's boat, PT-109, was rammed Aug. 2, 1943, by an enemy destroyer. Lt. Kennedy managed to lead 10 of the crew to a nearby island where they were rescued a week later. He would later become the 35th president of the United States serving just two years, 10 months and two days as president. His grave remains among the most visited locations at Arlington. (Section 45)

Robert F. Kennedy, served honorably in the United States Navy during late World War II. He was U.S. senator, attorney general and presidential candidate. He was assassinated on June 6, 1968, after winning the California Democratic Primary for President. He is interred near the grave of his brother, President John F. Kennedy. (Section 45)

Medgar Evers served in the U.S. Army during World War II. He was a civil-rights leader who was shot outside of his home in Mississippi in June 1963. Following his death he became a symbol of black pride and a martyr of America's civil-rights struggle. (Section 36, site 1431)