ODAA Business Management System (OBMS)

The Industrial Security Field Operations, Office of the Designated Approval Authority (ODAA) through the DSS Office of the Chief Information Office (OCIO), will be fielding the ODAA Business Management System (OBMS). OBMS is a secure, web-based system, designed to automate and streamline the Certification and Accreditation (C&A) process for timeliness, accuracy, and efficiency.

A Few OBMS Benefits:



December 9, 2015 ATTENTION OBMS USERS: The auto-generation feature within OBMS for templates is currently not working properly.
Templates can be downloaded at http://www.dss.mil/isp/odaa/odaa_links.html#Downloads. Please complete the templates off-line and upload the completed documents within the "Supporting Document "section within OBMS for processing.

September 21, 2015 ATTENTION OBMS USERS: OBMS Version 2.3 was deployed over the weekend.
New functionality includes:

  1. Ability for the Contractor Submitter to create their own UID for Initial Submissions
  2. Ability to add Program(s) to the IS Profile
  3. Facility Report
  4. Pending Report
  5. Approved Systems Report
Thanks for your patience as we work diligently to improve your user experience.

June 15, 2015 ATTENTION OBMS USERS: OBMS Version 2.2 was deployed over the weekend.
New functionality includes:

  1. Ability to perform Administrative Edit/Updates to System Security Plans
  2. Ability to Disestablish Self-Certified and Expired Accreditations
  3. Ability for Internal Users to Edit Plan Types (SSP/MSSP)
  4. Ability to resubmit cancelled and denied plans
  5. Ability for OBMS to pull updated Facility Data from ISFD