Here are some helpful stories from military kids dealing with deployment.

Oh well, that's life.

My mom and dad are both in the military. What has happened so far is that when one is deployed the other is at home to take care of us. While my mom was away my dad set the rules.

Dad lets me do that when he's home.

Have you ever noticed when your mom or dad deploys the rules at home get slack? At least that happens at my house.

Do I HAVE to be the man of the house?

Besides worrying about and missing their parent, most kids say the toughest part of their parent deploying is dealing with all the changes at home.

Why am I doing better this time around?

Many kids and teenagers have been through multiple deployments of their military parent. For some kids their parent has probably been gone more than they have been home.

Last time everything was cool -- this time I hate it.

"I thought I had deployments all figured out. My dad's been deployed 4 times since I was 8 years-old. I'm in 11th grade now and he's gone again. But this time is different.

Beware of BERSERK kid!

Little Sister: "My sister has really been acting weird since my dad was deployed. I never know what to expect.

Mom's gone for now so I have to handle things on my own.

My name is Larissa and my mom's in the Navy. It seems like my mom is gone more than she's home, so I've had to grow up a lot on my own.