
Navy Environmental Preventive Medicine Unit 7

Background and Purpose

NEPMU 7 resided in the European and African Areas of Operation for 50 years. It was disestablished in 2006 as part of the reduction of Naval Forces in Europe. Since 2006, deployments of Naval Forces to Africa have multiplied while the capability to provide environmental and preventive medicine support has diminished. 

Continuing development of the new National Maritime strategies for preventing wars through humanitarian assistance operations have spurred a dramatic increase in Navy and Marine Corps small unit deployments into developing African nations.

Operations in developing nations in Africa as well as current US Military forces in European nations produce a high demand for onsite environmental and preventive interventions and guidance which the Navy is unable to support with existing staffing and resources.

To support these requirements, NMCPHC has re-established NEPMU7 as an operating force in Europe for FY 13. Working from Rota, Spain, this new command will provide the necessary support to US forces in the African and European theaters as well as promote assistance to the Department of Defense in any requested nation-building participation and exercises.