National Industrial Security System (NISS)


NISS is DSS’ future information system architecture and will replace Industrial Security Facilities Database (ISFD) and Electronic Facilities Clearance System (e-FCL) capabilities to develop an on-demand, data-driven environment with automated workflows accessible to Industry and Government partners.

NISS is being developed and released in increments, allowing users to experience benefits quickly. The initial increment of NISS will replace and expand upon capabilities of two legacy systems, ISFD and e-FCL, and automate the Initial Facility Clearance process. This increment will also provide expanded access and transparency to security professionals’ facility information. Increment 1 will be followed by additional enhancements to the system’s functionality and integration, ultimately automating many core DSS and Industry security functions.

NISS solution has been developed in-line with Deputy Chief Management Officer (DCMO) requirements to maximize value while minimizing costs. DSS conducted Business Process Reengineering (BPR) of 22 core DSS functions to create streamlined and efficient workflows. The BPR efforts engaged over 300 DSS, Industry, and Government stakeholders to generate true system requirements tied to optimized business processes with milestones outlined below:

NISS is a top DSS priority and will modernize the National Industrial Security Program (NISP) Information Environment and provide the USG and Industry stakeholders with a data-driven, collaborative, integrated capability to assess and mitigate risk.

NISS Benefits

Additional Information


September 1, 2016 Initial Update

The development of NISS is underway! Increment 1, which consists of replacing the Industrial Security Facilities Database (ISFD), the Electronic Facility Clearance System (e-FCL), and enhancing the Facility Clearance (FCL) process, is scheduled to deploy in Q4 FY2017. A robust testing period including DSS, Government, and Industry personnel will begin in June 2017. We will update this website if there are any changes to the schedule.

Additional functionality to include enhancing the Security Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) process, submitting Suspicious Contact Reports, requesting Safeguarding approvals, and mobile capabilities will be deployed in future increments.