Training Needs Assessment

Supervisors and managers at all levels assess the training needs of the individuals for which they are responsible. The civilian training cycle includes consideration of organizational, occupational and individual training requirements. Each Army organization is responsible for assessment of their training requirements.

Training Needs Slide

Organizational training needs are determined/prescribed by law, Executive Orders, federal regulations, DoD policy, HQDA policy as well as MACOM and installation unique missions. Organizational training needs determined at the highest levels of organizations, e.g., HQDA, generally are those with a long-term return on the training investment.

Occupational training needs are determined/prescribed by Functional Chief Representatives (FCRs) (see AR 690-950 Chap 1 Army Regulations Online), Personnel Proponents, and documented in completed ACTEDS plans for career programs and career fields.

Individual training needs are identified by employees, supervisors and managers and includes training which is needed to effectively perform assigned or planned duties. This type of training generally produces an immediate or short-term return on the training investment.

Content last reviewed: 3/20/2007-DLS