Interview Subjects

Subject Illegal Legal If Job Related
AGEAny question which tends to identify applicants between 40-64 years of age is illegal. EXAMPLE: "Do you remember the 1940 election?" There is no legal question you can ask regarding this subject. The CPOC may request documentation to verify age, if necessary, to ensure legally set minimum age and maximum age limits are met.
CITIZENSHIPAny of the following questions can not be asked: Are you a citizen of the United States? Are your parents/ spouse a US citizen? When did you acquire US citizenship? Are you/spouse/ parent native born or naturalized?There is no legal question you can ask regarding this subject. The CPOC may request documentation to verify citizenship requirements, if they exist for the job being filled.
Any of the following questions can not be asked: What is your national origin? What language is spoken in your home? What is your native language?There is no legal question you can ask regarding this subject.
RACE/COLORYou may not ask any question that directly or indirectly relates to race or color.There is no legal question you can ask regarding this subject.
RELIGION The following questions can not be asked: What church do you attend? What religious holidays do you observe?There is no legal question you can ask regarding this subject.
SEXYou may not ask any question which inquires as to one�s gender. For example: What are your plans regarding having children in the near future? Do you mind having a male/ female supervisor? Can you work with a group of men/ women? There is no legal question you can ask regarding this subject.
MARITAL STATUS/FAMILYAny of the following questions can not be asked: Are you married? Divorced? Widowed? With whom do you live? Do your children live with you? What ages are your children? Is your husband/ wife in the military?
There is no legal question you can ask regarding this subject. The CPOC may request documentation to verify if other family members work at the installation to fulfill OPM requirements.
EDUCATIONYou may not ask questions that specifically ask the nationality, racial, or religious affiliation of a school; the candidates education level in general, if not related to the job being filled.
You may ask questions concerning a candidate�s academic, vocation, or professional education as long as it pertains to KSAs related to the position being filled.
ORGANIZATIONAL AFFILIATIONYou may not ask the following question: To what organization, societies and clubs do you belong? You may ask questions related to this subject if they are related to the job being filled and how the candidate�s participation in the organization may fulfill the KSAs.
Do not ask: Have you ever been arrested?If the job being filled has special requirements (i.e., bonding), you may ask a question such as: In order to fill this job, you must be bonded. Is there any problem that this presents?
WORK SCHEDULE/ TRAVELDo not ask any questions that relate to child care, ages of children or other non job-related areas.If the job being filled has special requirements (i.e., travel, overtime, unusual hours, etc.) these conditions may be stated. For example: In this job you would have to travel 1 week in every month. Does this present a problem to you?
MILITARY DISCHARGEThe following question may not be asked: Were you honorably discharged from military service?
There is no legal question you can ask regarding this subject. The CPOC may request documentation to verify this information if there is a requirement to do so.
The following questions may not be asked: Do you have a good credit rating? Do you have any trouble with bills/collection agencies?There is no legal question you can ask regarding this subject.
The following question may not be asked: Do you have a secret/ top secret/ other security clearance?If the job to be filled requires a certain type of security clearance, this condition may be stated. For example: "This job requires a top secret clearance. Does this requirement present any problem?"
PERSONAL PLANSThe following question may not be asked: Do you have plans to live in this area long?There is no legal question you can ask regarding this subject.
PARTICIPATION IN CERTAIN ACTIVITIESDo not ask the following questions: Do you plan to take savings bonds/ contribute to the Combined Federal Campaign/ join the coffee club/ join the United States Army Association (USAA)?
There is no legal question you can ask regarding this subject.
MISCELLANEOUSYou should not ask any question that is not job related or necessary for determining a candidate�s possession of required KSAs.You may notify the candidate that statements, misstatements or omissions of significant facts may be cause for nonselection.

Content last reviewed: 6/5/2006-TWD

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This page was last revised: 6/5/2006