Change to Lower Grade (CLG) - Performance Based

When notice of proposed change to lower grade is given to an employee, the supervisor must comply with the following:
  • Provide the employee with a 30-day advance written notice of the proposed action. The notice must identify specific instances of unacceptable performance on which the action is based. Objectives/Responsibilities involved must be listed. The unacceptable performance must have occurred during the one-year period that ends on the date of the proposed notice.

  • The employee is entitled to be represented by an attorney, a union official or other representative.

  • The employee must be given a reasonable amount of time to answer orally and/or in writing. The answer will be provided to the deciding officical, normally the next level supervisor over the proposing official.

  • The employee is entitled to have access to all materials relied upon for the proposed notice.

These requirements do not apply to probationary or trial-status employees. Guidance in such cases is available from the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC).

Content last reviewed: 6/20/2006-FMJ

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