Assessments and Controls
These are various internal programs EUCOM uses to assess spending, manpower, and equipment.
Rasmussen & Panetta

U.S. European Command personnel strive to be good stewards of the money, personnel and equipment they are provided by Congress, the American taxpayer and all the entities that provide a variety of assets.

A series of internal programs which assess spending, manpower, and equipment are important in maintaining an appropriately-sized force and posture in the Eureopean and Eurasian theater in order to maintain stability in the region and protect U.S. interests forward.

In this section:

Analytic Framework and Decision Support Dashboard

The Decision Support System integrates information across disparate systems to improve mission progress and outcome assessment while being flexible so as to accommodate changes in source data systems.

Comprehensive Joint Assessment

Comprehensive Joint Assessment is an annual deliberate assessment process directed by Joint Staff to assess a specific topic.

Defense Readiness Reporting System

The Defense Readiness Reporting System is a mission-focused application that improves assessment of the U.S. Armed Forces ability to support the National Military Strategy.

EUCOM Joint Lessons Learned Program

The Joint Lessons Learned Program applies lessons identified and an institutionalized, leadership-driven and results-oriented improvement process that tracks key issues from identification through validation, resolution, sharing lessons learned.

Managers Internal Control Program and Continuous Process Improvement

MICP helps assure obligations and costs comply with applicable law and funds, property and other assets are safeguarded against waste, loss, unauthorized use or misappropriation. The CPI reviews internal business processes to make sure they’re as efficient as possible by indentifying and cutting redundancy and waste.

The Decision Support System integrates information across disparate systems to improve mission progress and outcome assessment while being flexible so as to accommodate changes in source data systems.
Comprehensive Joint Assessment is an annual deliberate assessment process directed by Joint Staff to assess a specific topic.
The Defense Readiness Reporting System is a mission-focused application that improves assessment of the U.S. Armed Forces ability to support the National Military Strategy.
The Joint Lessons Learned Program applies lessons identified and an institutionalized, leadership-driven and results-oriented improvement process that tracks key issues from identification through validation, resolution, sharing lessons learned.
MICP helps assure obligations and costs comply with applicable law and funds, property and other assets are safeguarded against waste, loss, unauthorized use or misappropriation. The CPI reviews internal business processes to make sure they’re as efficient as possible by indentifying and cutting redundancy and waste.
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