Naval Sea Systems Command

SESEF's overall mission is to provide the Navy and Department of Defense (DOD) engineering activities and the fleet with a dependable and technically capable source for real time comparative EW and RF signal analysis consistent with an operational environment.

Specific objectives of the SESEF Program include:
  • Validating engineering designs by verifying conformance of ship test results to engineering design and model range data for new and upgraded systems.
  • Determining system operational performance and material readiness following new construction and overhaul.
  • Supporting Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV) testing during at-sea Acceptance Trials (AT), Final Contract Trials (ACT), and Underway Material Inspections (UMI). Identifying and assisting in correction of deficiencies in the ship's combat systems electronic suite.
  • Providing electromagnetic signature data for engineering analysis

      As directed by NAVSEA and with the strong support of various Fleet commands, SESEF provides state-of-the-art Test & Evaluation (T&E) of combat systems which radiate or receive electromagnetic (EM) energy. SESEF provides a "reliable partner" for two party testing, analysis and troubleshooting of shipboard EM systems. Emphasis is placed on providing real-time data analysis while minimizing test time. SESEF sites are manned as required to support fleet and testing schedules with on-call operations available. Testing is scheduled by the engineering activity, ship or fleet command with the desired SESEF location.

      For more information on SESEF capabilities click here.

      The SESEF staff is comprised of a team of engineers and technicians dedicated to their commitment of T&E excellence. As a result of their testing experience and corporate knowledge, SESEF personnel can analyze test data and shipboard problems quickly and accurately to provide real-time analysis and evaluation.
      The engineering staff has the skills necessary to employ state-of-the-art test methodologies in developing new and enhanced automated test equipment. These abilities provide our customers with cost-effective testing that optimizes test range time, data acquisition and analysis. Our staff continuously strives to exceed customer requirements and to meet the challenge of future test implementation.

      For more information on SESEF click here.

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