EXCERPT - The Freedom of Information Act Policy - Final Rule

Excerpt taken from Federal Register, dated Wednesday, February 22, 2006, Department of the Army, 32 CFR Part 518, The Freedom of Information Act Policy, Final Rule.

518.16 Initial determinations.

It is crucial to forward complete packets to the IDAs. Ensure cover letters list all attachments and describe from where the records were obtained, i.e., a PA system of records (including the applicable systems notice), or other. If a FOIA action is complicated, include a chronology of events to assist the IDA in understanding what happened in the course of processing the FOIA request. If a file does not include documentation described below, include the tab, and insert a page marked "not used". The order and contents of FOIA file attachments follow: (Tab A or 1) The original FOIA request and envelope (if applicable); (Tab B or 2) The response letter; (Tab C or 3) Copies of all records entirely released, single-sided; (Tab D or 4) Copies of administrative processing of documents, including extension letters and "no records" certificates, in chronological order; (Tab E or 5) Copies of all records partially released or entirely denied, single-sided. For partially released records, mark in yellow highlighter (or other readable highlighter) those portions withheld; and (Tab F or 6) Legal opinion(s).

Content last reviewed: 4/12/2007-DAN

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