Naval Sea Systems Command

AEGIS Technical Manual Publishing DTD
  • AEGIS XML 2.0 DTD 
    • Download DTD
    • Download DTD and ISO Entity Files
    • Data Dictionary: Complete descriptions and instructions are provided in S0300-A7-AEG-030/AEGIS XML AUTHORING GUIDE Revision 00 Chapter 2. Paragraph 2-2 provides a line-by-line explanation of the DTD.
    • FOSI/Style Sheet
      • Adobe FrameMaker Plus SGML 7 Stylesheets
        • About: Files are for use with Adobe FrameMaker 7. Template explanations and application set-up instructions are provided in S0300-A7-AEG-030/AEGIS XML Revision 00 Chapter 3. S0300-A7-AEG-010/AEGIS STYLE GUIDE Revision 06 and S0300-A7-AEG-030/AEGIS SGML Revision 00 are available on request from the POC.
        • Download
    • Download DTD
    • Download DTD and ISO Entity Files
    • Data Dictionary: Complete descriptions and instructions are found in S0300-A7-AEG-020/AEGIS SGML AUTHORING GUIDE Revision 00 Chapter 2. Paragraph 2-3 provides a line-by-line explanation of the DTD
    • FOSI/Style Sheet
      • Adobe FrameMaker Plus SGML 7 Stylesheets
        • About: Adobe FrameMaker Stylesheets Files are for use with Adobe FrameMaker 7. Template explanations and application set-up instructions are provided in S0300-A7-AEG-020/AEGIS SGML Revision 0 Chapter 3. S0300-A7-AEG-010/AEGIS STYLE GUIDE Revision 06 and S0300-A7-AEG-020/AEGIS SGML Revision 00 are available on request from the POC.
        • Download
  • AEGIS Technical Manual Publishing DTD - Disclaimer

    Please read before using the DTD.

    These DTDs have been developed by NSWC PHD Code A65 to support AEGIS technical manual production requirements. NSWC PHD Code A65 has provided this DTD to support the concept of the Navy XML/SGML Repository as stated below:

    The Navy XML/SGML Repository was established as a mechanism to promote sharing of DoN DTDs and FOSIs and minimize DoN investment in DTD and FOSI development.

    Any interested organization may use these DTDs. NSWC PHD Code A65 provide these DTDs as is, with no implied or explicit guarantee. Users may make changes to these DTDs to fit their requirements, but must accept responsibility for their changes. NSWC PHD Code A65 welcomes comments concerning recommended changes or improvements to these DTDs, though there is no assumed or implied responsibility by NSWC PHD Code A65 to respond.

    AEGIS Technical Manual Publishing DTD - Description

    The AEGIS DTD package consists of an SGML or XML DTD along with their ISO character entity sets. The AEGIS SGML DTD is the Version 2.0 (December 1, 2008) revision of the AEGIS ETM 2 Version 1.9 DTD based on the NAVSEA Class 2 Revision C Version 1.2 DTD (September 30, 1997).

    The AEGIS XML DTD Version 1.0 (December 1, 2008) is a translation of the above AEGIS SGML Version 2 DTD (December 1, 2008) into XML. It has been modified for use in producing XML AEGIS ETMs.

    The Aegis XML DTD Version 2.0 (dated December 6, 2010) is a revision to the Aegis XML DTD Version 1.0 (dated December 1, 2008). The Aegis XML 2.0 DTD allows for tagging a "Master Instance" document that can then be transformed into specific "TM Instances" through XSLT for publication through the use of pairing values from a couple of attributes and comparing those values to a configuration database. This is the current DTD being used for development of Aegis Technical Publications and Content@.

    The DTDs include graphic format notations, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) character set declarations, and the definitions of elements allowed by the document type.

    The Aegis DTD is used to create various types of technical manuals including:

  • Operating Principles and Procedures (OPPs)
  • Quick Reference Guides (QRGs)
  • Equipment Manuals
  • System Manuals
  • Handbooks
  • Depot-level Manuals
  • The Aegis DTD allows a generic chapter to section to paragraph to subparagraph structure. Aegis XML 2.0 also includes attributes for denoting effectivity/configuration at various levels in the structure. The Aegis DTD also supports the section to paragraph to subparagraph structure without chapters used in Quick Reference Guides (QRGs).

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    Code A65
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