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Unit POC Responsibilities for Group Events

U.S. Navy Reserve Official Seal

Before the Event

  • Each Medical Department Representative (MDR) will submit a Group Event Request Form via email to the approval authority at USNR Headquarters.
  • The approval authority will submit the approved request Form to the RHRP vendor.
  • RHRP Group Event Coordinator will call to confirm event details such as date, time, location, and contact numbers, etc. This information should be available at the time of the confirmation call.
  • Review the vendor confirmation letter and notify the vendor of any changes.
  • Verify and confirm that the vendor has shipped group event supplies to the unit location based on requested services.
  • Review the RHRP No Show and Cancellation Policy.

Image depicting Group Event No-Show and Cancellation Policy

Day of the Event

  • RHRP will provide all staffing, equipment, and supplies needed to perform all services per contract requirements and confirm during the Group Event coordination process.
  • Verify equipment was shipped from FedEx and arrived at unit location to ensure proper event start time
  • If applicable, provide the vendor a current roster of Service members if one was not provided before the event or if changes were made to ensure that all service members are seen.
  • Collect from the vendor, end of event documentation.

After the Event

  • All Group Event database updates are the responsibility of the unit.
  • The vendor ships any results and/or quality assurance review changes to the unit via USPS.

Service Component Contact

Please contact your Authorized SC POC for ordering questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions


What is RHRP?


RHRP is the Reserve Health Readiness Program which has been developed by the Department of Defense (DoD) to deliver medical and dental readiness services to the United States military.


To what branches does the RHRP provide services?

  • U.S. Army Reserve (USAR)
  • Army National Guard (ARNG)
  • U.S. Navy Reserve (USNR)
  • U.S. Marine Forces Reserve (MARFORRES)
  • U.S. Air Force Reserve (USAFR)
  • U.S. Coast Guard Reserve (USCGR)
  • Air National Guard (ANG)

Does the RHRP also serve active duty service members?


RHRP provides Post-deployment Health Reassessment (PDHRA), Periodic Health Assessment (PHA), and Individual Medical Readiness (IMR) services to active duty members in selected Service branches who are geographically remote from military medical facilities.


Does the RHRP also serve DoD civilians?


RHRP conducts PDHRA assessments for Army Corps of Engineers and Materiel Command civilians who have returned from deployment.


What services are available through RHRP?

  • Medical
  • Dental (including treatment)
  • PHA
  • Optometry
  • Audiology
  • Immunization
  • Phlebotomy
  • Laboratory analysis
  • Women's readiness

Please contact your command for branch specific information. Most services are available individually or at group events.


Is there a call center for the RHRP?


Yes, the phone number for the call center is 1-800-666-2833, ext. 3555. The call center is open Monday-Friday 0700-2200 and Saturday 0700-1500 CST. In addition, RHRP offers an MHA and PDHRA call center (1-888-734-7299) which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


What is PHA?


PHA is a Periodic Health Assessment. The PHA is required on an annual basis; it replaced the five year retention physical.


What is PDHRA?


PDHRA is the Post Deployment Health Reassessment (required 90-180 days post-return from deployment). 


How do I get records updated if dental or immunization services were not performed by RHRP?


For these services (ARNG and USAR only), send the appropriate documentation via email or fax it to 1-888-628-0099. RHRP will update MEDPROS or let you know if the document is not acceptable.


Which immunizations are routine and which are for deployment?

  • Routine: Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, TDAP and influenza (in season).
  • Deployment: These are theater specific; check with your command for further guidance.

What services are annual?


Annual services include the flu vaccine, dental exam and the PHA, to include vision screening. Audio screening may be annual depending on your branch of the military (please contact your command).


What's the difference between a vision screening and an eyewear exam?


Vision screening will determine if you need prescription eyewear. An eyewear exam is to determine the needed prescription and fill the prescription (two pair and mask inserts).


Why are vouchers sometimes automatically entered by RHRP?


For certain services, USAR and ARNG have requested automatic further evaluation based on results from a previous appointment.


What constitutes a no-show?


A no-show is when a Service member misses an appointment or does not call RHRP at least 24 hours prior to the appointment to cancel or reschedule the appointment.


What should I do if I have a concern about RHRP services?


Let RHRP know. The best ways to do so are by expressing the concern on a customer satisfaction survey or going through your command structure. Alternatively, you can also send us an email message.


Is there a cost for RHRP services?


There is no cost to you for authorized services. RHRP services are paid for by your Service Component. If you have specific questions about costs or charges, please contact your medical readiness coordinator.

Questions for Unit Points of Contact


How far in advance do I schedule an event?


All finalized information should be submitted to RHRP a minimum of 14 days prior to the date of the event.


How do I schedule and submit an event?


USAR and ARNG have the option of entering an event voucher in the Army’s Automated Voucher System (AVS). All other branches should contact the IMR Department at RHRP at 1-800-666-2833, ext 3508 for assistance.


What are the minimums required to schedule a group event?


The per day group number minimums are as follows: 

  • Immunizations = 80
  • PHAs = 40
  • Vision screening = 40
  • EKG = 25
  • Dental = 50
  • Panos = 20
  • Blood Draws = 30
  • Audio = 50
  • Eyewear = 50
  • PDHRA = 40

What if I do not meet the minimums for a group event?


If you do not meet the minimum for a service, contact RHRP at 1-800-666-2833, ext. 3508. USAR and ARNG may also submit individual vouchers in AVS.


Can units combine for a group event?


Yes, but units must be within the same branch of service.


How do I submit/cancel an individual voucher?


Individual vouchers must be submitted through AVS for USAR and ARNG. All other branches should contact their command for further guidance on how to submit a voucher. To cancel a voucher, contact RHRP Customer Service at 1-800-666-2833 ext. 3555.


How do I submit/cancel a group event?


Group events must be submitted through AVS for USAR and ARNG. All other branches should contact their command for further guidance on how to request a group event. To cancel a group event, contact your event coordinator or contact IMR at 1-800-666-2833, ext 3508.


What can cause a delay in completing a PHA?


Additional services may be needed, such as follow-up audio (Comprehensive Audiology Exam - CAE), blood draws or EKG.


What happens if a Service member gets a bill for RHRP services?


Please contact the RHRP office at 1-800-666-2833, ext. 3555.


Where do I find the pricing for RHRP services?


Please contact the program manager for your branch of service. Or, contact us (see the sidebar on the right for contact information).


How do I get a copy of my Service members' PHA or dental exams?


Please refer to your Service Component module (e.g., MRRS, PIMR, MEDPROS, PHA or DenClass) or medical readiness coordinator. 

  • For PHA, contact Medical Operations at 1-800-666-2833, ext. 1207. 
  • For Dental, call Customer Service at 1-800-666-2833, ext. 3555.

How do I update my contact information (e.g., phone, address, etc.)?


Please contact the RHRP IMR Department at 1-800-666-2833, ext. 3508. Also, do not forget to update other military databases such as DEERS.


How do I get a service expedited?


In very rare instances (e.g. very short notice deployment to a disaster site) you can get services expedited. 

  • For an individual appointment, the command’s IMR representative should call Customer Service at 1-800-666-2833. 
  • For a group event, the command’s IMR representative should call their event coordinator or 1-800-666-2833, ext. 3555.

I'm in the Army. How do I get write access for MEDPROS?


Contact your command for this access. The MEDPROS Help desk is at 1-703-681-4976.


What actions should I take if I encounter any issues during a group event?


Please contact the RHRP office at 1-800-666-2833, ext. 3555.


What are the cancellation and no show policies?

  • Decreasing services requested with 14 and 6 calendar days of the event date will result in a Cancellation Fee. 
  • Decreasing services requested within 5 calendar days of the event date will result in a No-Show Fee. 
  • Failure to meet GE minimums will also result in a No-Show Fee.

Questions for Service Members


I was told by my Commander that I need a PDHRA. What do I do?


First, complete the Service member portion of the PDHRA on your Service-specific website. Then, call the toll free PDHRA call center, which is available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week at 1-888-734-7299, option 3.


How do I schedule my individual medical or dental services?


Call Customer Service at 1-800-666-2833, ext. 3555. The call center is open Monday-Friday 0700-2200 or Saturday 0700-1500 CST.


How do I start my PHA?


For USAR only, and only for an in-clinic appointment: you need to start the process on your AKO site. Complete the Service member portion and call Customer Service at 1-888-697-4299 to schedule the face-to-face appointment. If you are having problems accessing your AKO site, call the number above and complete the Service member portion over the phone.

If you are getting your PHA at a group event, you should not complete the AKO portion of the PHA as this information will be obtained at the event.

All other branches contact your command.


What is a CAE?


A Comprehensive Audio Evaluation (CAE) is more than just an audiogram and is used to determine the hearing portion of the PULHES when a possible loss of hearing has been identified. The CAE includes a bone-density screening and can also include a SPeech Recognition In Noise Test (SPRINT) if needed.


How do I get a copy of a service that I completed through the Reserve Health Readiness Program?


Please contact your Command’s IMR representative and have them follow up with RHRP.


I have a profiled PHA. How do I get my PULHES changed?


If you are in the USAR, your unit administrator needs to call your RSC. If you are in the ARNG, your unit administrator should contact the DSS for your state.


What do I need to bring to my clinic appointment?


RHRP will send (by Federal Express) a package of paperwork and/or supplies to you prior to your appointment. Please review and complete all necessary paperwork before the scheduled appointment and bring all materials with you. Also bring any relevant medical documentation (i.e., MRB, profiles, etc.) and your prescription eyeglasses if attending a PHA.


Do I have to wear my military uniform to an appointment?


You do not need to wear your uniform to an in-clinic appointment; however, contact your Command’s IMR representative for direction during a battle assembly.


Where will my appointment be scheduled?


It will be scheduled within 50 miles of your preferred zip code (i.e., home of record, work, unit etc.).


How do I get records updated if services were not performed by RHRP?


For USAR only, send appropriate documentation via email and RHRP will update MEDPROS, or let you know if the document is not acceptable.

For all other Components, contact your unit for guidance on how to update your records.


How do I find out what immunizations I am due for?


Contact your Command’s IMR representative for a MEDPROS lookup.


Is RHRP an insurance program?


No, RHRP is a DoD program designed to deliver medical and dental readiness services for the U.S. military.


What happens if I refuse services at an appointment or a group event?


If you have documentation to show you’ve had the service, you should make a copy and give it to the provider. If you just don’t want the service or are unsure if you need the service, you should contact your Command’s IMR representative for guidance before refusing the service, as there may be repercussions with your command for doing so.

Questions for DoD Civilians


What services do you provide for civilians?


As this point, RHRP conducts PDHRAs for Army Corps of Engineers and Army Installations Command civilian employees who have returned from deployment.


How do I get my PDHRA completed?


You can find the PDHRA on AKO. Complete your portion there and then call the PDHRA Call Center, which is available 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week at 1-888-734-7299, option 3. 

DHA Address: 7700 Arlington Boulevard | Suite 5101 | Falls Church, VA | 22042-5101

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