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Deadly Currents

Deadly Currents

Overhead power lines are so common that we practically don’t see them when we look down a road or walk around a building.

16 Oct 2016

Announce Your Actions

Announce Your Actions

Crewmembers are always briefed on crew coordination, specifically “announce actions,” before every mission; however, it isn’t...

9 Oct 2016

'Dad, I'm Shot'

'Dad, I'm Shot'

It was a Sunday like any other as a 15-year-old and his father prepared for a morning of duck hunting in central Arkansas.

1 Oct 2016

25 Sep 2016

Throwing Shade

Throwing Shade

We were on the auxiliary power unit, ensuring all of our systems were functioning, when I looked to the right and saw something that caught my eye.

18 Sep 2016

Safe Waters

Safe Waters

I always considered myself a good swimmer. Growing up in Michigan, I began swimming in Lake Superior at an early age and swam in pools, lakes and oceans all my life. One fine day on a beach in Hawaii, however, changed my view on my swimming abilities.
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