E2I Regional Coordinators


Photo of Region 1 E-2-I Regional Coordinator Tanya Downey

Tara Downey (Region 1)

Tanya Downey
REGION 1 – Northeast
E2I Regional Coordinator (Contractor)

Tanya.M.Downey.ctr@mail.mil | (315) 774-2430

Tanya has been an Army spouse for the last 16 years. She recently joined the Office of Warrior Care Policy team as the Education and Employment Initiative (E2I) Regional Coordinator for the Northeast. Over the last three years, her experience as a Transition Assistance Program counselor focused on working with more than 2,000 wounded, ill and injured Service members to improve their employment and resume writing strategies.  Tanya has extensive experience in career planning on a variety of civilian pre- and post-transition topics.


Photo of Region 2 E-2-I Regional Coordinator Carl Rea

Carl Rea (Region 2)

Carl Rea
REGION 2 – National Capital
E2I Regional Coordinator (Contractor)

Carl.A.Rea.ctr@mail.mil | (703) 362-9905

Carl is a retired Army officer. He is the Education and Employment Initiative (E2I) Regional Coordinator for the National Capital Region, a position he has held since November 2015.  A former CEO of a small government services company, he is uniquely positioned to discuss the specifics of the economic landscape and the employment opportunities within the region.  Carl’s focus is on providing the necessary assistance and guidance to ensure a seamless transition for wounded, ill and injured Service members.


Photo of Region 3 E-2-I Regional Coordinator Albert Welcher

Al Welcher (Region 3)

Albert “Al” Welcher
REGION 3 – Mid-Atlantic
E2I & OWF Regional Coordinator (Contractor)

Albert.D.Welcher2.ctr@mail.mil | (757) 339-4750

Albert Welcher is a retired Navy Chief Petty Officer and is the Education and Employment Initiative (E2I) and Operation Warfighter (OWF) Regional Coordinator for the Mid-Atlantic Region. He has served the E2I and OWF programs for the past four years assisting more than 350 wounded, ill and injured Service members by offering an understanding of Veteran wellness that is informed by both military and civilian circumstances and experiences. He has matched more than 300 Service members to employment and education opportunities, while developing a relationship with over 400 employers in the region. Al’s focus is oriented toward the goal of successful reintegration of warriors back into their communities.


photo of O-W-F and E-2-I Region 3 coordinator Bill Oldenburg

Bill Oldenburg (Region 3)

Bill Oldenburg
REGION 3 – Mid Atlantic
E2I & OWF Regional Coordinator (Contractor)

William.H.Oldenburg.ctr@mail.mil | (850) 602-0440

William Oldenburg retired from the Marine Corps after 30 years and is the Education and Employment Initiative/Operation Warfighter (E2I/OWF) Regional Coordinator for Camp Lejeune since June 2016. He is in a unique position to assist transitioning Service members by leveraging his experience and knowledge, which will ensure their successful integration into the civilian workforce. The knowledge, skills and abilities gained while in uniform are traits desired in the civilian job market and E2I/OWF has the national network and resources available to make the transition from active duty as seamless as possible.

Lisa Goenen (Region 4)

Lisa Goenen (Region 4)

Lisa Goenen
REGION 4 – Southeast
E2I & OWF Regional Coordinator (Contractor)

Lisa.G.Goenen.ctr@mail.mil | (520) 234-1160

Lisa Goenen served 24 years in the US Army and continues to serve as a Master Sergeant in the Army Reserves. She recently joined the Officer of Warrior Care Policy as an Employment and Education Initiative (E2I) and Operation Warfighter (OWF) Regional Coordinator for Fort Stewart, GA, as well as installations located in Georgia, Florida and Puerto Rico. Over the past two years, serving as the First Sergeant of the Warrior Transition Battalion Community Care Unit she was instrumental in transitioning more than 200 Soldiers into the civilian sector. Lisa has developed relationships throughout communities in Georgia, Florida, and Puerto Rico and possesses the knowledge and experience to assist Service members during their transition.


Photo of Operation Warfighter regional coordinator Biff Hadden

Biff Hadden (Region 4)


Mayo “Biff” Hadden III
REGION 4 – Southeast
E2I & OWF Regional Coordinator (Contractor)

mhadden@afsc.com | (706) 615-2455

Biff Hadden, is a retired Army Colonel and served almost 31 years in a variety of Infantry and Special Forces assignments. He recently joined the Office of Warrior Care Policy team as the Education and Employment Initiative (E2I) and Operation Warfighter (OWF) Regional Coordinator for Fort Benning, AL, MS and installations located in the FL Panhandle. Over the past eight years, he has assisted a large number of soldiers matching them with employment or education opportunities as a volunteer advisor. Biff has forged relationships with a large number of employers both locally and throughout Georgia. With his economic development background, he has the experience to discuss the economic landscape in the Southeast Region, and provide the assistance and guidance necessary to ensure a seamless transition for wounded, ill and injured Service members.


Photo of Bill May Region 5 E-2-I Regional Coordinator

Bill May (Region 5)

William “Bill” May
REGION 5 – South Central
E2I Regional Coordinator (Contractor)

WMay@manconinc.com | (682) 216-5896

Bill May is a retired Army Command Sergeant Major and serves as the Education and Employment Initiative (E2I) Regional Coordinator for the South Central Region.  Over the last two and a half years, he has assisted countless wounded, ill and injured Service members in achieving their goals toward education or employment by matching them with strategic partners and agencies that support E2I and its mission.  Bill is committed to leveraging his knowledge, experience and the relationships he has developed in the region to shape the transition and recovery goals of each Service member.


Photo of Region 6 E-2-I Regional Coordinator Lance Dowd

Lance Dowd (Region 6)

Lance Dowd
REGION 6 – Southern
E2I Regional Coordinator (Contractor)

LDowd@deloitte.com | (210) 717-4624

Lance is a retired Marine Infantry Officer.  Since 2013, he has been the Education and Employment Initiative (E2I) Regional Coordinator for the Southern Region.  He has developed strategic relationships with more than 150 employers throughout the region and has assisted more than 250 wounded, ill and injured Service members during their career transition by ensuring their readiness, matching them with opportunities, and connecting them with employers.  Lance understands the current and emerging workforce needs for the region and is well positioned to enable a smooth transition for wounded, ill and injured Service members.


Photo of Region 7 E-2-I Regional Coordinator Christopher Self

Christopher Self (Region 7)

Christopher Self
REGION 7 – Midwest
E2I Regional Coordinator (Contractor)

CSelf@afsc.com | (931) 217-8162

Chris is a retired US Army SF Sergeant Major. He has been the Education and Employment Initiative (E2I) Regional Coordinator (RC) for the Midwest for the last three years.  In that time, Chris has assisted more than 400 wounded, ill and injured Service members connect to employment and educational opportunities. He has established a network with hundreds of employers, agencies and organizations looking to provide opportunities for wounded, ill and injured Service members.  He is uniquely qualified to discuss employment opportunities in the Midwest having served and transitioned in the region.  Chris is ready to provide the assistance and guidance necessary to ensure a seamless transition for wounded, ill and injured Service members.


Photo of Region 8 E-2-I Regional Coordinator Bill Price

Bill Price (Region 8)

William “Bill” Price
REGION 8 – Great Plains and Rocky Mountains
E2I Regional Coordinator (Contractor)

WPrice@manconinc.com | (571) 319-6097

Bill Price is a retired Air Force Officer who served as a Command Pilot and Air Force football coach. He is the Education and Employment Initiative (E2I) Regional Coordinator for the Great Plains and Rocky Mountain Region.  Bill has been working with the Office of Warrior Care Policy for over three years.  During this time, he has personally assisted over 750 wounded, ill and injured Service members, while also developing relationships with over 3000 employers in the region.  Given his experience, Bill is able to provide his expertise in connecting Service members with education, training, and employment resources to ensure their success.


Photo of Region 9 E-2-I Regional Coordinator Lou McSheffrey

Lou McSheffrey (Region 9)

Lou McSheffrey
REGION 9 – Northwest
E2I Regional Coordinator (Contractor)

LMcsheffrey@afsc.com | (253) 365-4012

Lou is a retired Army Officer with over 28 years in the Army and the Army National Guard. He is the Education and Employment Initiative (E2I) Regional Coordinator for the Northwest and Alaska, a position he has held for the last two years.  Lou has assisted more than 250 Service members, providing personalized networking, resource assistance and transition support.

As a long time resident of the Northwest, he leverages relationships and local knowledge to help candidates connect with resources and ease the transition process by focusing on networking and informational interview opportunities. For those leaving the region, Lou ensures they receive a “warm hand off” to their future Regional Coordinator.


Photo of Region 10 e-2-i regional coordinator christopher graham

Christopher Graham (Region 10)

Christopher Graham
REGION 10 – Southwest
E2I Regional Coordinator (Contractor)

CGraham@manconinc.com | (619) 977-5224

Christopher Graham spent over 20 years as a Naval Officer.  Since 2011, Christopher has served as the Education and Employment Initiative (E2I) Regional Coordinator for the Southwest Region, personally assisting over 400 wounded, ill and injured Service members. He has matched more than 150 Service members to employment and education opportunities while developing relationships with a myriad of local employers. Christopher is uniquely positioned to provide the assistance and guidance necessary to ensure a seamless transition for wounded, ill and injured Service members.


map and contact information of locations of e-2-i and o-w-f regional coordinators.

Please click on map to enlarge it.