Saying Goodbye

Two young girls hugging each other.

As a military kid, you're probably pretty used to saying goodbye — both when your family has to move and when a friend's family is making its next PCS. But your besties deserve more than a "L8R" text before the move. A heartfelt goodbye is one of the best ways to be a good friend. Try some of these ideas:

If you're the one moving:


more about how to stay in touch.

  • Make a list of the people you're closest to, and decide how you're going to say goodbye to each of them. You could choose anything from a quick in-person goodbye to a small gift. Cards and framed pictures of you together make great presents.
  • Plan a last night out. Hit your parents up for a going-away party or, if they faint when you suggest that, meet your friends at a favorite spot, like a diner, movie theater or a park. Take lots of pictures.
  • Enlist your friends in planning. Look up your new area for ideas about cool things to do, ask them for tips on decorating your new room or let them help you decide what to toss instead of take with you.

If your friend is moving:


out these tips on settling into a new place and a new school.

  • Organize a scrapbook, photo album or even a poster with pictures of your group of friends, favorite places and some funny memories. Don't worry about fancy backgrounds or a theme; you will not be graded on this.
  • Throw a going-away party for your BFF — get your parents' permission first — or, if your friend isn't the party type, ask how he or she wants to celebrate.
  • Make a plan to keep in touch. Most likely you're already texting each other constantly, sometimes even when you're in the same room. Keep doing it, especially soon after the move. Just because you won't be in the same place anymore doesn't mean your friendship has to end.

Remember that there's a bright side to this change. Moving with the military doesn't just mean saying goodbye to friends every couple of years; it also means having friends all over the world. Think of all the old or new places you'll be able to stay when you launch your global couch-surfing tour. Sign up for Military Kids Connect to stay in touch, and ask your friends to sign up, too.


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