U.S. Army Reserve

About Us
America's heroes deserve exceptional military leaders
Those military leaders deserve exceptional training.
The 75th Training Command gets the job done!

OUR MISSION: The 75th Training Command prepares large military units for deployments and other missions, by conducting live and virtual scenario-based training, while mentoring senior leaders on effective organizational decision-making.

Whether stateside or deployed to a combat zone, military commanders do not lead their units in a vacuum.

Each commander carefully selects, mentors and oversees a team of supporting staff that manages critical areas including personnel, logistics and operations.

A commander's ability to keep the troops safe and accomplish the mission is directly related to the professionalism, competence, and teamwork of those staff leaders.

The Army Reserve's 75th Training Command is the Army's center of excellence for the development and delivery of training aimed at making those staff leaders more effective. 

Historically, the 75th has accomplished this through live and constructive training. However, in an effort to provide flexibility and cost-effectiveness, the Training Command now offers virtual and gaming formats. 

And while the 75th has predominantly supported Army units in the past, the command now provides similar high quality training to other military branches, non-military agencies, and partner nation military forces.

    • Southern Training Division
      Posted 07/17/2015
    • Atlantic Training Division
      Posted 07/17/2015
    • Gulf Training Division
      Posted 07/17/2015
    • Gulf Training Division
      Posted 07/17/2015
    • Pacific Training Division
      Posted 07/17/2015

The 75th Training Command is a national asset, with subordinate unit headquarters located in 

New Jersey 

Units are strategically positioned to provide regional support to Reserve and Active Component units.