The ACTEDS Training Catalog

Chapter 3

Functional Chief Representative (FCR)
Competitive Professional Development (CPD)

General Information - The following information is provided as a quick reference for individuals applying for CPD opportunities as well as those responsible for CPD administration and processing. This information must be used in conjunction with applicable regulations/directives governing training.

Competitive Professional Development
Short-Term Training (STT)
Long-Term Training (LTT)

CPD is defined as functionally tailored, significant developmental opportunities that occur in academic (university) programs, Training-With-Industry (TWI) and/or planned developmental assignments that have been documented in the respective ACTEDS plans. The programs covered include: university programs; developmental assignments; TWI; the Army Comptrollership Program; the Army Congressional Fellowship Program; the Logistics Executive Development Program; the Secretary of the Army Research and Study Fellowship; the DOD Professional Enhancement Programs; the Advanced Resource Management Course (Syracuse); and the Professional Military Comptroller School (Maxwell Air Force Base).

Short-term training is FCR sponsored that is 120 calendar days or less. Training instances may include, but are not limited to, professional workshops, seminars, and university classes. Attendance at workshops and seminars must have a demonstrated training purpose and be documented in each respective ACTEDS Plan. Annual functional meetings or career program planning boards are excluded from ACTEDS funding. The majority of the requirements in this chapter are targeted towards long-term training, unless identified as short-term training. Short-term training may only require a SF 182. Employees should contact their respective FCR for specific information about required forms.

LTT and education is training to which an employee is assigned on a continuous, full-time basis for more than 120 calendar days. The assignment may be at either government or non-government facilities. It may include both formal training programs and planned developmental assignments. LTT enables employees to keep abreast of changes and innovations in their occupational fields, learn new skills, or develop/improve abilities needed in current or future positions.
Please note that courses taken in the same semester should be submitted on a separate SF182 (the SF182 replaces the now-expired DD Form 1556).

  1. An employee on a LTT assignment at an academic institution must be in a full-time program. Even if the employee is unable to enroll in all the courses desired, the employee still must carry the minimum number of credit hours required to be considered a full-time student at that institution.
  2. During extended school recesses, the employing activity may wish to return the employee to duty. Employees who do not return to duty must either use annual leave during recesses or show that they will be fully involved in a research/study project related to the training assignment.
  3. Having gone through a highly competitive process, employees selected for LTT assignments are among a highly select group of employees. They are expected to make the most of their training opportunity. To help avoid academic difficulties, it is recommended that the employees review the prerequisites, read the description of courses they plan to take, and, if necessary, take a refresher-training course before reporting to school.
Eligibility Requirements
  • Nominees must be serving in or registered in a career program with career status appointments, Schedule A excepted appointments without time limitation, or excepted appointments in the Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS). In addition, nominees must have a minimum total of three years service in any one or a combination of such appointments.
    Click here to determine service obligation time.
  • Employees selected for full-time continuous training in government facilities in excess of 120 calendar days or non-government facilities in excess of 80 hours must agree to continue in DA or DOD service for a period equal to three times the length of the training assignment.
  • Employees in grades below GS-12 are not eligible for formal LTT unless they are nominated for DA centrally administered, LTT programs with a lower grade criterion. GS-9s (non-interns whose positions have been documented as journey-level) may also apply at the discretion of the FCR. (See specific training announcements in Chapter 3).
Application, Selection, and Notification
  • The application package button at the end of each career program section in this chapter will take you to the application package.
  • Submit the original and one copy of the application package through the nominee's appropriate chain of command to reach the respective FCR's office by the published suspense date. (Some FCRs have not set suspense dates and accept applications throughout the year.)
  • Command endorsements are required on all LTT (more than 120 calendar days) nomination packages for training where employees must be excused from their normal 40-hr tour of duty. Endorsements may be signed by an official designee who has been given authority to sign for the commander.
  • Employees nominated for CPD will be evaluated competitively within their respective career programs. Each evaluation will be based on information provided by the nominee's supervisor, the nominee's experience (including outside activities), education, training, and/or awards, and the nominee's motivation for wanting the training.
  • Selections will be made by FCRs who will consider panel evaluations, performance appraisals, comments, and recommendations contained in the Functional Review Form.
  • The FCRs will announce selections.
  • The FCR will be responsible for ensuring that all requests for degree programs are provided to the ASA (M&RA) for final approval.
  • The applicant is responsible for ensuring that all required forms, endorsements, and signatures are included.
  • Short-term training may only require a SF 182. Employees should contact their respective FCR for specific information about required forms for short-term training because an entire LTT package may not be required.
Suspense Dates Applicants must adhere to the suspense dates shown in each career program section. If no suspense date is indicated, you should contact your respective FCR's office for guidance. Be sure to allow sufficient time for your application to be processed through all command channels.
Priority Placement Program Requirements Reassignments made for formal development and training purposes are generally an exception to the Priority Placement Program (PPP). However, if the assignment involves a temporary promotion, PPP requirements will apply. In addition, PPP requirements may apply if the activity plans to backfill the trainee's position for 90 days or more by other than a detail. More information about the requirements for matching and filling positions through PPP can be found in Chapter 4 of the Department of Defense Priority Placement Program Manual.
Authorized Expenses

Training outside the participant's commuting area:
Training within the participant's commuting area
Potential Tax Liability

Attendance at a LTT training course (authorized under Title 5 United States Code Chapter 41-Training)paragraph 4104-4109) involving government or non-government facilities is generally a TDY assignment. In connection with a training assignment, an employee may be authorized one of the following:
  • Reimbursement for the cost of common carrier transportation for travel to and from the training location in accordance with the JTR Vol. 2, paragraph C2401. And either:
    Per diem based on authorized expenses not to exceed 100% of the established rate at the training location site (while in training); local travel is not authorized.
    Transportation for dependents and household goods to and from training site. Such moves will not include per diem for dependents (only the employee's per diem is authorized) to the training site; house hunting trips; temporary quarters substance expenses; non-temporary storage; real estate/unexpired lease expenses; or miscellaneous expenses. Reimbursement for travel is not authorized

  • Upon approval of an overseas US citizen employee to a CONUS LTT assignment, the employing activity will make a cost comparison of the per diem expenses with the estimated cost of round-trip transportation for the employee's dependents and household goods between the employee's permanent duty station and the training location. The guidance in JTR Vol. 2 will be followed in making the cost comparison.
  • Reimbursement may be authorized for mileage in accordance with the appropriate rate, for the distance that exceeds the employee's commuting distance to the regular place of work and return; this includes necessary parking fees and tolls, (JTR paragraph C2401).
  • Tax Liability - A tax liability may be incurred for travel expenses paid by the government, especially if the travel time exceeds one year (Reference JTR, Para C4455E). Consult the IRS or a tax accountant for further clarification.
  • Information about authorized expenses and travel entitlements can be found in the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR), Volume 2, and current regulatory guidance. See a personnel representative at the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center for assistance.
Security Clearance If the training assignment for which an individual is selected requires a security clearance higher than the selectee's current clearance, the employing activity will initiate action to obtain the proper clearance prior to the training start date.
Service Obligation Agreement
  • An Agreement to Continue in Service must be completed before assignment to the training if the employee is selected for:
    1. A non-Government training and development program in excess of 80 hours, or
    2. A Government training and development program in excess of 120 calendar days.
  • Managers/supervisors will ensure the selectee employee is informed, in advance, of the continued service obligation. A signed copy of the "Agreement To Continue In Service (LTT)" form will be maintained in the organizational case file. For a copy of the Agreement, click here .
  • Employees who voluntarily fail to complete the obligated service period in the DoD will be required to reimburse the DoD on a pro rata basis for the percentage of completion of the obligated service for the registration fees, tuition and matriculation fees, library and laboratory fees, purchase or rental of books, materials, supplies, travel, per diem, and miscellaneous other related training program costs paid in connection with the training. Request for waiver of repayment of training expenses may be submitted to the G-37/TR Director of training (for HQDA centrally funded training) or the respective command/activity (for command/activity funded training).
Performance Plans Required for Long Term Training (LTT) Employees on LTT in academic environments or on work-related long-term developmental assignments should have performance plans developed prior to beginning their training/assignment. Supervisors can choose from the following objectives or compose their own as appropriate: (a) attentiveness/receptiveness to instruction, (b) class preparation, (c) class participation, (d) completion/mastery of examinations/assignments. After development, the performance plan must be mailed to the LTT institution or the supervisor of the developmental assignment with instructions to the recipient to rate the student against the performance objectives using the Total Army Performance Evaluation System (TAPES) letter input. Extending rating periods for individuals on LTT or developmental assignments should be a rare occurrence. For a sample form for documenting the performance plan including instructions to the rater, see Long Term Training - Performance Plan .
Affirmative Action Goals Training opportunities provide a valuable learning experience and competitive edge for future advancement to those attending. CPD opportunities are limited; however, all eligible employees should be encouraged to participate in these programs. Training is a useful means to cultivate equal employment opportunity objectives for minorities, women, and persons with disabilities. Functional, managerial, civilian personnel, and equal employment Office (EEO) officials should ensure nominations for CPD programs support Department of Army affirmative action goals.
Academic Degree Training Click here to view the announcement for the Academic Degree Training program

University Training
Grade Requirements

  • Individuals excused from their normal 40-hour tour of duty to attend a semester or more of university training must be enrolled in a full-time course load. The number of required semester hours per semester is described in 1 through 3 below.

    1. Full-time undergraduate students are required to take a minimum of 12 semester hours/18 quarter hours;


      Full-time graduate students are required to take a minimum of 9 semester hours/12 quarter hours.

    2. Course load for abbreviated summer sessions of 10 weeks or less will be 6 semester hours for graduate or 9 semester hours for undergraduate study.
  • Part-time attendance is defined as evening or weekend enrollment or anything less than the minimum number of semester hours required to be considered a full-time student, as described herein. Selection for part-time attendance will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Part-time students may not be relieved of the full 40-hour tour of duty.
However, a student may be excused any part of a week as agreed to by the supervisor to attend classes.

CPD participants in university training must satisfactorily complete all courses of study. Students in an undergraduate program must maintain a "C" average, or better, and a "B" average for graduate programs. It will be the responsibility of the student to forward grades to the respective FCRs office.

Utilization Plan The utilization plan is extremely important. Managers at all levels should ensure that skills and knowledge gained through training are used when an individual returns to the work situation. The plan should be drawn up in advance of the training assignments to clearly establish a commitment by the organization that will ensure that the Army will gain a return on the training investment. Utilization plans should be geared toward post-training assignments at increasingly difficult levels of responsibility. The first-line supervisor's utilization plan must address the return on the training investment should the individual return to his/her same organization. FCRs will consider the utilization plan in addition to all other information provided when evaluating each candidate for selection.
Administrative Procedures - Post Selection.
Assignment to Long-Term Training
  • Employees normally remain on their organizations TDA and the organization continues to fund the employee's salary and personal benefits.
  • Locality rates of pay are determined by the employee's permanent/official duty station (5 CFR 531.603).
  • A Notification of Personnel Action, SF50, will be processed for the temporary "Reassignment NTE" (NOAC 943) and the "Termination of Reassignment" (NOAC 945). Processing the SF50 allows the organization to effect a temporary promotion against the authorized space or a temporary fill from outside the command. An SF50 is not required if the position left vacant by the LTT participant is not backfilled.
Reimbursement Funding Policy When Backfilling a LTT Vacancy If the position left vacant by LTT is backfilled with a temporary promotion or by someone outside the command, the increased cost incurred by the command will be reimbursed. The ACTEDS Management Branch must receive a copy of the "Notification of Personnel Action" (SF50) assigning the employee to LTT and a copy of the SF50 effecting the temporary promotion or reassignment of the backfill before reimbursement of ACTEDS resources will be issued to the command. Send copies of personnel actions to
Department of the Army
G-3/5/7 Training Directorate
Civilian Training and Leader Development Division
450 Army Pentagon - Room 2D639
Washington, DC 20310-0450
Resource Allocation
Selection System
  • The Resource Allocation Selection System (RASS) is an automated financial system that centrally manages the Army Civilian Training, Education and Development System (ACTEDS) resources for the Intern and Competitive Professional Development (CPD) training programs.
  • RASS is a real time, web-based life-cycle management system for centralized management of funds for ACTEDS-approved DA Intern and CPD training. RASS eliminates manual procedures, for training and travel documents.
Funding Procedures
  • Students participating in CPD training opportunities must utilize the Resource Allocation Selection System (RASS) for the purpose of requesting ACTEDS resources for FCR approved training.
  • RASS enables the creation, submission, and approval of the following forms: A Request, Authorization Agreement, Certification of Training and Reimbursement Form (SF 182), Request, and Authorization for TDY Travel Orders (DD Form 1610), and a Claim for Reimbursement for Expenditures on Official Business (SF1164). You may access RASS at the following website: This site also contains quick reference guides and screen movies to help students learn how to use RASS. Help with technical problems (unable to login, locked out) contact the HQDA Civilian Human Resources System (CHRS) Help desk at 1-888-253-1836.
  • The student is responsible for accessing RASS and completing a SF 182 and DD Form 1610. Documentation must contain the signatures of the supervisor, FCR and a G-3/7 TRV budget analyst prior to students beginning an ACTEDS training assignment.
  • Students who attend a CPD training assignment prior to receiving a SF 182 or DD Form 1610, certified with the signature of a G-3/7 TRV Budget Analyst and an ACTEDS fund cite signed and dated by a budget analyst in the G-3/7 TRV RM office may be responsible for costs associated with the training assignment. Students should ensure there is sufficient lead time for the processing of training documents prior to the start date of the training assignment.
Time and Attendance/Leave
  • The selectee's employing activity will be responsible for administration of leave and maintenance of leave records. It is important that the office maintaining the time and attendance record is fully aware of recess periods at the training site.
  • Upon notification of selection, the employee must make arrangements for use of any annual leave that would be lost during the training assignment.
  • The use of selectee's annual leave should be adjusted to conform to the schedule of training.
  • During extended school recess periods, the participant must either:
    1. Request annual leave; or
    2. Request permission to return to duty (RTD). RTD is at the supervisor's discretion but ACTEDS funds may NOT be used for RTD travel expense; or
    3. Request supervisor's approval to use time for training related study or research. The participant should provide the supervisor with a written outline of the research or study requirements. The supervisor determines if the requested time is appropriate.
  • If the selectee departs his/her duty station prior to the effective date indicated on the SF50, he/she will be in an annual leave or leave without pay status. DAPE-CP-CPA will not be responsible for costs incident to leave that is taken before the start of the training assignment.
Travel Orders The DD Form 1610 will be prepared in accordance with the provisions of the JTR, Volume 2. See Funding Procedures above.
SF 182 A SF 182 "Request, Authorization Agreement, Certification of Training and Reimbursement" must be completed on each individual selected to participate in a formal classroom training assignment (includes seminars).
Modern DCPDS Course Codes
  • Use 12DEV for all developmental assignments.
  • Use 12DEG for all approved academic degree programs.
  • Use 12CPD for all other competitive professional development except those programs announced in this catalog which have specific Modern DCPDS course codes identified.
Evaluation of Long-Term Training (LTT) Assignment
  • A copy of the following forms are required by this office in order for Army to determine if your LTT assignment met the established goals and objectives. Part-time or intermittent attendance at training on duty time is exempt.

  • Within six weeks following the trainee's return to duty, the trainee's supervisor will complete an evaluation to assess post-utilization. To complete this evaluation online, click the link marked " Sample LTT Evaluation Plan (6 weeks)".

    Sample LTT Evaluation Plan (6 weeks)

  • Not later than eight months after the trainee returns to work, the supervisor and the trainee will jointly complete a second evaluation to assess continuing benefits of the training assignment. To complete this evaluation online, click the link marked "Sample LTT Evaluation Plan (8 months)".

    Sample LTT Evaluation Plan (8 months)

  • Copies of post-training evaluations should be sent to:
    Department of the Army
    G-3/5/7 Training Directorate
    Civilian Training and Leader Development Division
    450 Army Pentagon - Room 2D639
    Washington, DC 20310-0450
  • Supervisors should retain one copy of each evaluation.
    The completed questionnaires will be evaluated at both local and HQDA levels to ensure that utilization plans are being carried out effectively, improve administration of the long-term training program, and make better use of trainees upon completion of training. The requirement to evaluate long-term training applies to all centrally funded and locally funded programs.
Points of Contact

Please contact the FCR or designated career program POC listed in the announcement for your specific career program regarding information about ACTEDS training and developmental opportunities