The ACTEDS Training Catalog

Intelligence and Security (CP-35)


Competitive Professional Development (CPD) Eligibility Competitive Professional Development (CPD) opportunities within the Intelligence career field include: Continuing Job-Related Education; Technical Training; Management Training, Intelligence Community (IC) Joint Duty Assignment (JDA), Accredited Continuing Education Programs; and Career Broadening Developmental Assignments. These opportunities are designed to develop a world class civilian intelligence workforce for positions of increased responsibility.

Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) Career Program (CP) 35 members of the Army Civilian Corps serving in career status appointments or schedules that have a minimum of three (3) years' service in any one or a combination of career appointments are eligible to apply for CPD, unless otherwise directed by statue.

Short-Term Program and Outreach Training
Short Term Training

Short Term Training provides careerists with a competency-based approach for developing or broadening individual competencies. Short-term or less than full-time training will be supported when the training is in keeping with ACTEDS identified training needs and is particularly meritorious and timely with significant benefit to the individual and the organization. This opportunity for training (120 calendar days or less) is designed to broaden careerists' experience, knowledge and perspective in management and operational techniques. Examples of training instances in this category include engineering/scientific technical courses offered through various training providers and accredited vendors. Outreach courses are technical based courses or gap closure courses that are brought on-site to reduce travel and per diem costs and are hosted in government provided facilities. Funding for training and travel costs, tuition, books, and other TDY related expenses may be offered based on funding availability.

Suspense (Short-Term)

Cut-off dates for Short-term applications in GoArmyEd ( )during the new fiscal year are as follows:

1-2 10/1/15 - 03/31/16 60-90 DAYS BEFORE COURSE
3-4 04/1/16 - 09/30/16 60-90 DAYS BEFORE COURSE

OPM Management Development Center Seminars

The OPM Management Development Center provides leadership, management and technology seminars to mid and senior level employees to improve their knowledge and skills. The seminars provide the latest knowledge to ensure participants are current in their functional areas and also may cross-train in other functional areas in preparation for advancement. The seminars are located at the OPM MDC in Shepherdstown, WV and Denver, CO.

Technical Training

Qualified careerists pursuing advancement or career development in either the DCIPS technical/non-supervisory or managerial/supervisory tracks are eligible for Intelligence and Security training and education, Foreign Area Studies, and Foreign Language, as well as Engineering, and Scientific applications related to Intelligence. Selectees may attend various programs that fulfill key training objectives at Defense, Federal, IC, professional associations, or private training institutions.

Intelligence Learning Network (ILN)

The Intelligence Learning Network (ILN) offers three courses to the IC. Nominations for each program will be announced through ACPMs. Contact your ACPM or the Army Joint Duty Assignments Program Manager for more information about any of these courses. A brief description of each course is below:

  • Understanding the Intelligence Community (ALL RANKS). This program is designed for those who are new to the IC.
  • Integrating the Intelligence Community (GG-13 - 15 and equivalent). Participants from around the IC interact with each other and senior leaders to explore the context behind integration, the authorities and directions that shape it, the strategies and initiatives that guide it, and emerging opportunities to leverage its benefits.
  • Leading the Intelligence Community (Seniors Executives only). This program is designed to engage participants to think strategically and creatively about leadership, and to broaden their influence over integration and collaboration in the Intelligence Community, along with our federal, state, local and private sector partners.

You can refer to the ILN NIPR website for more information about these courses: Contact your JDA or Career Program Manager for the JWICS ILN URL.


STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES: Participants are expected to read course materials and regularly join on-line collaboration. The Blackboard collaboration requires two to four hours of student participation per week. Therefore nominating agencies, students, and their supervisors must be willing to invest time in this learning and networking opportunity. Students are required to log-on to a Blackboard to meet their team and faculty facilitator and post a short bio.

NOMINATION PROCESS AND INFORMATION: ILN courses will be announced quarterly or more when required. All students are required to completely fill out the ILN registration form. The information for each nominee is mandatory. Information should be submitted thru ACPMs to CP 35. Primary and Alternate candidates will be selected according to allocated seats per session.

Competitive Professional Development

The Competitive Professional Development (CPD) Program is open to Army Civilians serving in career status appointments, Schedule A excepted appointments without time limitation, or excepted appointments in the Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS), who have a total of three years of service in an Army Civilian permanent position(s); who have completed the appropriate level of Civilian Education System (CES) training; and any other course/program prerequisites.

Developmental Assignments

Qualified GG-11 careerists in CP 35 professional work categories are eligible for developmental assignments. Developmental assignments must improve the capability of the parent and/or host organizations and the employee to be considered for FCR approval. The assignment can be an exchange of individuals between organizations or a temporary one-way movement to develop and broaden the careerists' understanding of the organization and enhance their professional development. Individuals and their supervisors will coordinate arrangements for assignments and include a proposal in their application package that addresses the benefits for the careerist and the Army. These assignments will normally be more than 30 days and less than 12 months in duration. The FCR may fund TDY expenses. If funds are available, the FCR may fund short-term technical or managerial training requirements in connection with these assignments.

Senior Leader Development Programs

SETM and ETM are Civilian leader talent management programs for GS-12-15 and equivalent employees. They prepare participants for positions of greatest responsibility in the Department of Army through advanced senior-level educational and experiential learning opportunities. SETM and ETM are comprised of the following components:

  • Enterprise Placement Program (EPP) Option 1 and Option 2. Open to GS-15 (and equivalents) only.
  • Project-based TDY (SETM-TDY). Open to GS-14/15 (and equivalents).
  • Senior Service College (SSC). Open to GS-14/15 (and equivalents).
  • Defense Senior Leader Development Program (DSLDP). Open to GS-14/15 (and equivalents).
  • Army Senior Civilian Fellowship (ASCF) Open to GS-14/15 (and equivalents).
  • Command and General Staff Officers Course (CGSOC) Open to GS-13 (and equivalents).
  • Executive Leader Development Program (ELDP) Open to GS-12/13 (and equivalents).
  • Project Based Temporary Duty (ETM-TDY) Open to GS-13 (and equivalents).
  • Shadowing Experience (ETM-Shadowing) Program Open to GS-13 (and equivalents)

Training-With-Industry (TWI)

While Training-With-Industry (TWI) is rarely used, any requests or submission of potential TWI assignment would be vetted by the CP-35 Proponency Team and competitively announced. This assignment should be in keeping with identified organizational needs and the career goals of the nominee.

  • TWI assignment should provide training in procedures and practices at a major U.S. company. Assignment length should be 120 days, but not more than one year as funding permits.
  • Training programs must be uniquely designed and individually tailored to offer careerists direct private industry experience that should improve the effectiveness of their working relationships with counterparts in private industry firms.
  • TWI participants will be accountable for the results achieved. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the careerists' Army Command and the company providing the training.

This MOU will describe what work the trainee will perform and how he/she will be evaluated. The MOU will also include a statement that explains that salary and benefits are paid by the employee's home office with per diem and TDY paid by the FCR.

Academic Degree Training (ADT) Guidelines

University Training includes graduate level programs in technical areas as well as limited programs designed to enhance the managerial and leadership skills of experienced professionals. Employees must have career status, and have three years of Army permanent Civilian service. ADT is defined as training or education with the stated objective of obtaining an academic degree. The academic degree must be related to the performance of the employee's official duties and part of a planned, systemic and coordinated program of professional development, endorsed by the Army.

  • GG-11 and above are eligible for ADT.
  • Must have a minimum of three years of Army Civilian service.
  • Nomination and selection for full-time or part-time undergraduate and graduate level university training will be based on experience, education, government-related training, awards, and motivation for requesting this opportunity.
  • The Assistant Secretary of the Army Manpower and Reserve Affairs retains approval authority for all Civilian ADT.
  • Attendance should be to a college/university within the applicant's commuting area. University training outside the commuting area must be accompanied with strong supporting justification, and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Full-time programs should be no less than 12 hours each semester, or the equivalent. Full-time continuous programs in excess of 120 calendar days should normally not exceed more than 12 months. Part-time university training may consist of evening, weekend, and/or part-time courses at the rate of fewer than 12 hours per semester.
  • A letter of acceptance from the university and a proposed program of study, including projected class work, must be included in all applications. Along with previous transcript records.
  • Education programs must develop the employee's competencies or support a gap closure strategy. Support a planned career assignment; including programs which enhance managerial, leadership skills and improve technical skills.
  • Total cost of tuition and books cannot exceed $75K per AR 350-1.
  • Priority will be given to applicants who have not received a degree at the Masters or higher level. Previous participants may apply, but will receive a lower priority than new applicants. Priority for degrees is as follows:
    • Masters (we do not fund thesis courses)
    • Bachelors
    • Associates
    • Doctoral (we do not fund dissertation or research)
  • Applicant must contact the career program office prior to submitting an application into GoArmyEd system for the ADT.
  • The FCR may fund tuition, books, and TDY expenses. Applicants must follow instructions carefully when completing the ADT Package. Forms and instructions can be found at:

National Intelligence University (NIU)

NIU is a preferred option for long-term Intelligence education. Careerists' participation in the Bachelor of Science in Intelligence (BSI), Master of Science and Technology Intelligence (MSTI), and the Master of Science of Strategic Intelligence (MSSI) programs (full-time, part-time, weekends) is highly encouraged. The BSI Program enables the graduating student to become a true professional on issues of national-level intelligence and its customers. The MSTI prepares students to recognize the impact of technological change on national security and intelligence. The MSSI program was designed to prepare students for the complexity of intelligence work in the 21st century. These education options are meant to guide the careers of those who will be the leaders of the intelligence profession. There is no charge for tuition for these programs.

The FCR may fund TDY expenses, if any.

For additional information on NIU, please visit the NIU website:

Personnel attending college courses through the FCR's Competitive Development Program must show "successful" completion of the course. Normally that is a "B" for graduate work or a "C" for undergraduate work. Failure to meet these standards may result in liability for repayment.

Security and Intelligence Certification and Programs
DoD Security Professional Education Development (SPēD) Certification Program

The SPēD Certification Program is the official Department of Defense's (DoD) security certification program directed by DoDI 3305.13. The SPēD certification program is DoD's initiative to professionalize the security workforce by establishing a common set of competencies for security practitioners that promotes interoperability, facilitates professional development and training, and develops a workforce of certified security professionals.

The SPēD Program is comprised of three core certifications and multiple specialty certifications, which meet the distinct certification needs for security disciplines and responsibilities:

Core Certifications:

Security Fundamentals Professional Certification (SFPC): Provides a recognized and reliable indication of a security practitioner's understanding of foundational concepts, principles, and practices needed to successfully perform functions, implement programs, and pursue missions to protect DoD assets.

Security Asset Protection Professional Certification (SAPPC): Provides a recognized and reliable indication of a security practitioner's ability to apply foundational concepts, principles, and practices needed to successfully perform functions, implement programs, and pursue missions to protect DoD assets.

Security Program Integration Professional Certification (SPIPC): Provides a recognized and reliable indication of a security practitioner's understanding and ability to apply risk management and security program management concepts, principles, and practices.

Specialty Certifications:

Industrial Security Oversight Certification (ISOC): Provides the recognition and official record of an individual's demonstrated understanding and application of competencies such as: information security; classification management; incident response; information assurance/cybersecurity; personnel security; physical security; industrial security; general security; the National Industrial Security Program; foundational concepts in facility security and clearance; general safeguard requirements; facility surveys; and inspections.

Special Program Security Certification (SPSC): Provides the recognition and official record of an individual's demonstrated understanding and application to create and maintain a secure environment to facilitate the successful development and execution of a Special Access Program.

Physical Security Certification (PSC): Provides the recognition and official record of an individual's demonstrated understanding and application of competencies such as: physical security concepts; installation and physical access control; physical security for conventional arms, ammunitions, and explosives (AA&E); key, combination, and lock control; site lighting; protective barriers; security systems; standards for storage of classified information; emergency management and emergency response; and physical security planning and plan implementation.

For more information regarding the program, please visit the following link:

CDSE Graduate-Level Security Courses:

Working with subject matter experts from throughout the Department of Defense and the academic community, the Center for the Development of Security Excellence (CDSE) has established a curriculum of courses designed specifically to prepare DoD security specialists for leadership positions and responsibilities. These courses are similar in scope to college and graduate level courses. Courses are a semester long. Courses are delivered using a collaborative online learning environment, making them available to U.S. military members and government employees worldwide. No tuition or fees are required to take CDSE courses; however, some courses require the purchase of textbooks. For more information regarding the program, please visit the following link:


Contact HQDA, G-2, SETA/SPeD with comments, questions & feedback using the link at the bottom of the following URL:

Administrative Requirements
Short Term Training Application (Abbreviated Format)

Manual requests for training are no longer accepted by the Career Programs. Additionally, RASS is no longer used for training requests. CP 35 Training requests are now submitted electronically using the GoArmyEd portal:

  • All participants selected for funding are required to sign a Continued Service Agreement (CSA) equal to at least three times the length of the training and may be required to sign a Mobility Agreement when participating in a developmental assignment. CSA service obligation begins after the completion of training. A CSA is required for funded training even if training is on employees own time. For more information, refer to the following URL:
  • Training must be documented in the employee's IDP and approved by their supervisor in Army Career Tracker (ACT):
  • The applicant must be accepted for the training, or be otherwise eligible to attend the course, prior to application submission.
  • Employees who travel to, or attend, training prior to receiving a HQDA 3/5/7 TRV approval will be responsible for costs associated with the training.

Additional information:

  • Cash advances are not authorized. Employees must obtain and use a Government Credit Card for all travel.
  • Rental cars are not authorized; however, the employee's activity may choose to fund it.
  • If training must be cancelled, employee must immediately notify their supervisor, the vendor and the CP 35 Proponency Office. Failure to coordinate cancellation of training with the CP 35 POC may result in employee being held responsible for the vendor's cancellation fees.

IMPORTANT: Careerist must provide a copy of paid travel voucher NLT 5 days upon receipt to the IPMO address below or fax: 703-695-3149, DSN 225-3149

Long-Term Training and/or Full-Time and Part-Time University Training

Click on Application Package below (Abbreviated Format not acceptable). The suspense dates for nominations for the FY 16-17 academic year is
January 20, 2016
*Please allow 90-120 days for applications to complete the approval process from beginning to end.

Careerists are urged to submit their applications as soon as possible for consideration, through their supervisor, the Activity Career Program Manager, and ACOM, ASCC OR DRU to:
Intelligence Personnel Management Office
1000 Army Pentagon
Washington, DC 20310-1000.

Training Opportunities Available

Additional training opportunities that are available to CP 35 careerists can be found in Appendix D of the ACTEDS Plan.

Professional Development Selection Procedures

Subject matter experts (SME) may rate and prioritize career program applications. Applications will be forwarded to the FCR for review and final approval. Decisions will be made based upon availability of funds/return on investment, evaluations made by the careerist's career program managers and chain-of-command, the relationship to ACTEDS or JDA requirements, and the importance to the development of the individual careerist.

ACTEDS Funding, Authorized Expenses, and Backfill

Use of ACTEDS resources for local travel and rental cars are not authorized. ALL ACTEDS funded training will be reviewed, considered, and/or approved, based on availability of funds. Reimbursement to and from the training site is authorized. In/around mileage at the TDY site; additional round trips to/from duty station, cable service, public/local transportation (except for travel to/from home to training location); rental cars, vans, trucks, or limousines; administrative fees for an ATM use of a personal charge card; and excess baggage over $25.00 are not authorized. Expenses not centrally funded may be authorized and paid for by the sponsors command with prior approval from the organization before incurring any expenses that are not centrally funded.

Reimbursable expenses for official travel may be found in Appendix G of the JFTR/JTR:

Affirmative Action

Commands should ensure that minorities, females, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to compete for these training and development opportunities.

Assignment of CONUS Employees to Long Term Training in OCONUS Facilities

All requests for OCONUS training must address all criteria required in AR-690-400, Chapter 410 and be submitted to the IPMO at least 90 days before training/travel is scheduled to commence.

Civilian Education System (CES)

The Civilian Education System (CES) is the foundation of the Army's leader development program for all Army Civilians, providing progressive and sequential education courses throughout their careers. CES is centrally funded by HQDA G-37/Training Directorate for most permanent Army Civilians, including but not limited to general schedule (GS), non-appropriated fund (NAF), and local national (LN) and wage grade (WG) employees. CES leadership courses, or designated equivalent courses, are required for all Army Civilians. Employees should include attendance at the CES course for which they are eligible in their Individual Development Plans (IDP).

Employees are eligible to attend the CES course that is targeted at their grade level. GS-01 through GS-09 employees are eligible to attend the CES Basic Course; GS-10 through GS-12 employees are eligible to attend the CES Intermediate Course; and GS-13 through GS-15 employees are eligible to attend the CES Advanced Course. NOTE: All Army Civilians who were hired after 30 September 2006 are required to take the Foundation Course prior to enrolling in either of the CES courses.

More information on CES courses, as well as instructions on how to enroll can be found on the Civilian Training and Leader Development website at

NOTE: CES or the approved Equivalency training is a prerequisite before CP35 funds will pay for Leadership training, course, seminars conferences, or the like.

Army Career Tracker (ACT)

Army Career Tracker (ACT) is a new Army web portal created to change significantly the way training, education and experiential learning support is provided to Army enlisted, officer, civilian, and their leaders/supervisors. Users can search multiple education and training resources, monitor career development and receive advice from their leadership. Additionally, ACT will allow the user to: <>ul>

  • Identify training activities and requirements based on tailored Career Management Field, Career Field and Career Program Maps.
  • Track individual progress of Individualized Development Plan (IDP) goals.
  • View multiple skill and competency career progressions across multiple career maps.
  • Search multiple training catalogs and educational resources.
  • Provide an unofficial "lifelong learning transcript" that represents the accumulation of all assignment, training, and education accomplishments by the user
  • More information on ACT can be found on the Civilian Training and Leader Development website


    Army Civilians Corps will use GoArmyEd ( to process online training applications and SF 182 Authorization, Agreement and Certification of Training requests for G-3/5/7 centrally and command-funded training and professional development courses.

    The schools/vendors vendor must agree to use the GoArmyEd system for submitting invoices and grades to the Army for approved ACTEDS-funded enrollments.

    More information on GoArmyEd can be found on the Civilian Training and Leader Development (CTLD) website:

    Points of Contact (POC)

    You can reach the CP 35 Proponency Office for more information or questions through the following means:
    Phone: (703) 695-3661/3751/1063
    DSN 225-3661/3751/1063
    FAX: 703-695-3149

    Button representing a link to the ADT Application Package     Link to the ACTEDS Plan     Button representing a link to the Course Application Package