Authorized Provider Partnership Program

DoD recognizes the valuable role that members of Veteran's Service Organizations play in honoring our veterans. Section 1491(b) of Title 10, United States Code authorizes members of VSO, as well as other approved organizations, to participate with the Military Services in providing Funeral Honors. VSO and Authorized Provider Partnership Program (AP3) are able to augment the legislated two-person uniformed member detail by providing additional detail elements for veteran funerals.

The DoD initiated program, known as the AP3, focuses on using volunteers. This program trains volunteers to assist in providing MFH as "Authorized Providers." AP3 is designed to promote cooperation between the DoD and VSO to enable all eligible veterans to receive military funeral honors as prescribed by legislation. The partnership of DoD, VSO and AP3 promotes community involvement and supports the family and friends of the deceased veteran. In addition, the combined funeral honor detail symbolizes the continuity of respect for deceased veterans from those who are serving and those who have served in the Armed Forces.

It is important to note that the law stipulates that Authorized Providers can be provided reimbursement or a daily stipend when they participate with the military in rendering Funeral Honors.

Image of casket and flag with funeral detail Image of funeral detail at attention
Image of funeral detail playing Taps Image of funeral detail at attention with flags