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Participate in DCoE’s Monthly Webinar: “Reintegration Programs: Case Studies of Successful State Reintegration Programs”

Col. Donald Derry, 823rd Security Forces Squadron commander, welcomes home squadron members who returned from a six-month deployment to Camp Bucca, Iraq.

If you missed DCoE’s July Monthly Webinar, be sure to tune in this month as we take the topic of reintegration to the state-level Aug. 26 from 1 – 2:30 p.m. In partnership with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), DCoE will highlight state and local reintegration programs available to service members returning from deployment.

Speakers from New Hampshire, Tennessee and California will discuss their state programs and best practices surrounding veteran care. The hope is that these practices can be adopted elsewhere to improve statewide veteran care. The webinar is intended for military and civilian leaders, health care providers, veteran affairs staffers, local military representatives, subject matter experts and anyone interested in this topic.

DCoE webinars provide an opportunity to share your thoughts and ask questions directly to subject matter experts. Click here for more information on our Monthly Webinars.

To register for this event, or for more information e-mail us at:

We hope you’ll join us on Aug. 26! Please share this information with anyone you think would be interested.

*The DCoE Blog features information on psychological health and traumatic brain injury issues as well as personal stories and reflections from people within the military community on these topics.

Comments (3)

  • pjagadeesan 05 Sep

    group of understood sensitivity performance training required for must should USA citizens
  • Steve Robertson 05 Sep

    Are you aware of the military and family outreach program in Vermont? Cited as one of the best in the nation by Stars and Stripes.
  • The DCoE Blog Team 05 Sep

    Thanks for bringing attention to the work Vermont is doing. Please feel free to suggest weblinks, PDFs or other reference materials about Vermont's military and family program to the webinar team at

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