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Spectrum Collaboration Challenge

The Spectrum Collaboration Challenge

The DARPA Spectrum Collaboration Challenge (SC2) is the first-of-its-kind collaborative machine-learning competition to overcome scarcity in the radio frequency (RF) spectrum. Today, spectrum is managed by dividing it into rigid, exclusively licensed bands. This human-driven process is not adaptive to the dynamics of supply and demand, and thus cannot exploit the full potential capacity of the spectrum. In SC2, competitors will reimagine a new, more efficient wireless paradigm in which radio networks autonomously collaborate to dynamically determine how the spectrum should be used moment to moment.

The team whose radio design most reliably achieves successful communication in the presence of other competing radios could win as much as $3,500,000. For more information, see the About Page.


Signup For Competitor Open Track - Long Form

Signup here for the Open Track Long Form.

Open Track Participation is available to ALL* individuals, academic institutions, business entities, and international participants.

This is the LONG form application. All teams are required to complete this form before submitting their hurdle results. Teams will not be entered into the competition without a completed Long Form.

* Please see section 5 of the Rules document for restrictions
** Open track teams affiliated with academic institutions should be aware of NSF Grant Opportunities being provided specifically for SC2 Open Track participants. Details can be found in the Dear Colleague letter located here… https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2016/nsf16114/nsf16114.pdf

Open Track Signup

For general inquiries, please email sc2@darpa.mil

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Open Track Long Form Registration is Available

Long Form registrations are now being accepted. All teams are required to complete this form before submitting their hurdle results. Teams will not be entered into the competition without a completed Long Form.

The Long Form includes additional information about affiliations, sponsors, team composition and some legal disclaimers.

Please complete your Long Form application by November 22nd, the same day Hurdles will be closing.

Click HERE to fill out your Long Form registration.

Teaming Forum Created

Anyone who is interested in participating in the SC2 and is looking for teaming partners is encouraged to send an email to sc2@darpa.mil to request to be added to the Teaming Forum.

Anyone who participated in the industry days has already been added and account information should have been emailed to you. All new accounts will be private until you login and change your profile settings to be visible to others.

Individuals new to the forum should read the “START HERE! – HOW TO FIND TEAMING PARTNERS” post at the top of the forum.

A link to the Teaming Login can be found in the footer menu of SpectrumCollaborationChallenge.com or Teaming Login