Reutilization, Transfer and Donation (R/T/D)

This program provides huge savings by avoiding new Department of Defense (DoD) procurement costs and repairs ... and is of considerable benefit to:
  • The military services
  • Other federal agencies
  • State and local governments
  • Nonprofit educational, community and public health agencies
  • American taxpayers

     When DoD declares items such as vehicles, household or office furniture, hardware, etc., as excess to its needs, the property is turned in (physically or electronically) to one of the DLA Disposition Services sites around the world. Once property is received at the site, it´s placed in:

  • 1 week accumulation period, followed by:
  • 14-day DoD exclusive screening period, followed by:
  • 21-day DoD, federal agencies and Donee screening period, followed by:
  • 5-day GSAXcess allocation period


If you´re a DoD customer and on a .MIL computer system, you are authorized to search and/or screen items during any Screening Cycle. If you have a question regarding a piece of property, certain Federal Supply Classes will provide you a link to "ASK FOR MORE INFORMATION", which is automatically routed to the DLA Disposition Services Field Activity, and is required to be answered within 3 business days. If the item you are screening does not provide this link, you can email or call the holding DLA Disposition Services Field Activity or RCP site where the property is physically located.

If you have requisitioning authorization from your Accountable Supply Officer and you are ready to order property you can submit a MILSTRIP Requisition (DD-1348-1a) right from the DLA Disposition Services web site. DOD activities can request property from the General Services Administration (GSAXcess) during the Transfer/Donation screening cycle. Exceptions to this policy are MILSTRIP Priority 1 - 3 and NMCS requisitions which have priority overall and should contact the DLA Disposition Services Field Activity.

If you are a Federal agency or Donation customer, after you complete a property search and you´re ready to order, access the GSAXcess Web Site.


Donee means a service educational activity; a State, political subdivision, municipality, or tax-supported institution acting on behalf of a public airport; a public agency using surplus personal property in carrying out or promoting for the residents of a given political area one or more public purposes, such as conservation, economic development, education, parks and recreation, public health, and public safety; an eligible nonprofit tax-exempt educational or public health institution or organization; the American National Red Cross; a public body; an eleemosynary institution; or any State or local government agency, and any nonprofit organization or institution, which receives funds appropriated for programs for older individuals under the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, under title IV or title XX of the Social Security Act, or under titles VIII and X of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 and the Community Services Block Grant Act.

Excess Personal Property means property in the possession of or owned by the Department of Defense or Federal Government that is no longer needed by that agency. When most property is turned in to DLA Disposition Services it is known as "Excess Property".

Surplus Personal Property means property that has been determined to be no longer needed by the Federal Government. Most property turned in to DLA Disposition Services by the military services is offered to other DoD activities and Federal Agencies for a period of at least 21 days before it becomes Surplus.


For any questions please contact the RTD Branch