Electronic Turn-In Documents (ETID)


What is ETID?

DLA Disposition Services has developed a Web-based Electronic Turn-in Document (ETID). It is an electronic method for preparing a disposal turn-in document (DD Form 1348-1A). The intent of the web-based document is to simplify and improve the turn-in process and designed for those generators who manually prepare the DD Form 1348-1A. ETID is a major step towards DLA’s goal of moving information, not property.


Who is ETID designed for?

Designed to assist generators who manually create the DD Form 1348-1A turn-in documentation.


Eligibility for ETID 

  • Any employee working for an activity that has a valid DoDAAC can utilize ETID.
  • DoD employeesForeign national employeesDoD contractors

What are the benefits to using ETID? 

ETID eliminates the hand scribed/typewritten preparation of the DD Form 1348-1A, making it easier to turn property in to DLA Disposition Services. It reduces the time required to complete a DD Form 1348-1A. ETID also pre-populates a large portion of the required information automatically when there is a National Stock Number (NSN) item. This saves generators time from looking up codes and information about the item when processing it for turn-in. ETID also helps reduce property rejections. It enables DLA Disposition Services to review the information about the property and contact the generator to resolve discrepancies prior to actual acceptance of the turn-in. ETID will also help assist generators in meeting in-transit accountability requirements. ETID is flexible and used for either physical turn-in or receipt in place turn-in.


What are some other features of ETID?

ETID allows electronic submission of turn-in documentation to the servicing DLA Disposition Services site. ETID will pre-populate many of the fields for NSN items, nomenclature, DEMIL code, unit price, etc. It includes drop down menus for other fields for quick reference. ETID will also provide the required DEMIL certification for the property. In addition to electronically preparing your turn-in documentation, the program allows you to print a completed DD 1348-1A, shipping paper, required DEMIL certifications, and bar code labels on the DD 1348-1A


ETID - Link to Business Portal

External Customers 

DLA Customers



ETID Access Request Process

There is now a new AMPS! NEW users and customers for RTD & ETID will have to request their roles in the new AMPS. https://amps.dla.mil/oim

ALL CUSTOMERS THAT CURRENTLY HAVE ACCESS to RTD & ETID WILL NOT BE IMPACTED BY THIS CHANGE. Legacy customers will ONLY need to go into new AMPS if they need to request different roles or update contact or contract information.  

Questions-contact the Customer Interaction Center (CIC) at 1-877-352-2255 or DSN 661-7766 or by e-mail dlacontactcenter@dla.mil

Create AMPS Account

Select Amps Roles

Register in ETID 




ETID Training

ETID Generator training  - Overview of the processes of creating, editing, deleting ETIDs  (6/24/15)

Create and Submit ETID   (6/24/15)

Save, Search and Print ETIDs  (6/24/15)

Scrap, Hazardous, Special Services ETIDs, Messages  (6/24/15)



Customer Support & Password Resets

Non-DLA Personnel:

ETID password issues

The DLA Enterprise Help Desk at 855-DLA-0001

(855-352-0001 option 2 for AMPS support)

email them at DLAEnterpriseHelpDesk@DLA.mil 



Functional, Navigational and policy questions:

The DLA Customer Interaction Center (CIC) at 1-877-352-2255

email them at DLAContactCenter@dla.mil, accessible 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.


DLA Personnel:

Access Issues (Error messages encountered when accessing ETID)

The DLA Enterprise Help Desk at 855-DLA-0001


email them at DLAEnterpriseHelpDesk@DLA.mil 


Functional, Navigational and policy questions:

The DLA Customer Interaction Center (CIC) at 1-877-352-2255

email them at DLAContactCenter@dla.mil, accessible 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.