Provider Resilience

Provider Resilience gives health care providers tools to guard against burnout and compassion fatigue as they help service members, veterans, and their families.

Your responses to a short self-assessment create ratings of your risk for compassion fatigue, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress. These ratings can also be viewed as graphs so you can monitor them over time.

A clock showing time since your last day off, inspirational cards, stretches, and Dilbert comics all encourage you to take restful breaks critical to avoiding burnout. Finally, videos by service members describing the positive impact health care providers had in their lives are there when you need a reminder of the value of what you do.



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What is the purpose of Provider Resilience?

Health care providers treating military personnel face high demands for their time and personal resources. Provider burnout, compassion fatigue, secondary traumatic stress, and other negative issues are always a concern. Through psychoeducation and self-assessments, Provider Resilience gives frontline providers tools to keep themselves productive and emotionally healthy as they help our nation’s service members, veterans, and their families.

What do my assessment scores mean?

The professional quality of life scores are taken from the Professional Quality of Life Scale, v5 (ProQOL). This scale incorporates two aspects of workplace-related quality of life: compassion fatigue and compassion satisfaction.

Compassion fatigue has two parts: burnout and secondary traumatic stress.

Many people have an intuitive feeling of what burnout is. Clinically, it can be described as negative feelings about your ability to do your job effectively or deal with work-related stress. Burnout can reflect believing your efforts make no difference, or can be associated with a very high workload or an unsupportive work environment. Higher scores on this scale mean you are at risk for burnout.

Another potential challenge to providers is secondary traumatic stress. Developing problems due to exposure to others’ trauma is somewhat rare but does happen to people who care for those who have experienced extremely stressful events. The symptoms of secondary traumatic stress may include being afraid, difficulty sleeping, having images of the upsetting event pop into your mind, or avoiding things that remind you of the event.

Compassion satisfaction

Compassion Satisfaction, on the other hand, looks at how happy you are with your current job performance and whether or not you believe you are being an effective caregiver. For example, you may feel positively about your colleagues or your ability to contribute to the work setting or even the greater good of society. Higher scores on this scale represent greater satisfaction related to your ability to be an effective caregiver in your job.

Resilience Rating

Another way Provider Resilience attempts to help you measure your current ability to adapt is through an overall resilience rating. Your resilience rating is based on your last ProQOL score, burnout rating, resilience builders/killers responses, and when you last took a day of leave.

Burnout Rating

Your burnout rating is found through the burnout visual analog scale which allows you to rate yourself on 10 affective domains:

  1. Happy
  2. Trapped
  3. Satisfied
  4. Preoccupied
  5. Connected
  6. Worn out
  7. Caring
  8. On edge
  9. Valued
  10. Traumatized

This gives you a simple and easy way to track your feelings in each of these areas over time.

The resilience builders/killers questionnaire is a short survey of different resilience “builders” and “killers” you may have engaged in recently. In addition to affecting your overall resilience rating, this questionnaire can serve as a regular reminder of things to do – or not to do – to help you stay emotionally resilient.

The app says my resilience is low, what should I do?

If your overall resilience rating is low, you may be under a great deal of work-related stress, perhaps even more than you realize. Try using some of the built-in tools like Remind Me Why I Do This to help you reconnect with all the positive impact your work has had with patients.

If these tools do not help, seek out a peer, friend or counselor you can discuss your feelings with and who can help you find options for stress relief.

How do I know how my scores change over time?

Provider Resilience offers a Tools section that graphs your burnout and ProQOL scores over time. This provides an easy way to see how things in your life are making positive or negative differences to your level of resilience.

What is the R&R Clock?

Time off work can be a great opportunity for stress relief, but Americans often do not use all their vacation days. To help remind you to use your leave, the R&R Clock counts the years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds since you took a day off. The clock numbers are green if at least one day of leave has been taken in the last 60 days. The clock numbers change to yellow if it has been three to six months without leave, and they turn red if it has been six months or more without a day of leave.

Who else can see my data?

No one but you has access to your data. All data is stored locally on your phone and neither we, nor anyone else, can see it. However, unless you secure your phone, someone else may be able to access the app and look at your scores. It is up to you to make sure you take steps to secure your device from unwanted use.

We do collect some general information on how people use the app; however, this is only so we can work to make the app better for everyone in the future. We do not track individual users.