Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP)

Plans & Performance

What Our Goals Are and How Well We Are Performing

In order to fulfill our strategic goals and mission, we seek out opportunities and strategic activities to increase small business dollars competitively awarded by DoD military departments and agencies. These statistical tables and reports show our goals and demonstrate how well we are performing.

Where the DoD Spends Its Money

Due to its size and scope, the Department of Defense does not have a consolidated picture of what its future procurements (purchases of goods and/or services) will be. Procurements are made locally and within the various services and agencies. Business Intelligence, relative to future procurement planning, is gathered at the local level.

For the purposes of forecasting, knowledge of past behavior is useful. The following tables shows where the DoD spent its money (contract obligations) in FY09 and FY10 summarized by NAICS code. The FY09 data has not yet been validated, so these are not official numbers, but they are close to what the final numbers will be.