DoD Mobility Program


Delivering unclassified and classified mobile solutions

Mobility continues to transform how the DOD operates, connects, and supports its stakeholders – most significantly, through the use of commercial mobile solutions to provide mission-essential tools to our warfighters.

Global Video Service

Global Video Services

IP-based Videoteleconferencing

GVS provides high definition video-teleconferencing for conference rooms and desktops. Available on both the NIPRNet and SIPRNet, this service supports up to 5,000 concurrent users.

Forecast to Industry 2016

Forecast to Industry

Event Information

Join us Nov. 17 from 8 a.m.-4 learn about DISA's tactical acquisition issues, requirements, and planned procurements for the 2017/2018 fiscal years.

The DoD enterprise solution for the support of collaborative development and IT project management through the full application lifecycle.

Learn About

Enterprise Email

A secure cloud-based email designed to increase operational efficiency and facilitate collaboration across organizational boundaries.

Learn About Enterprise Email


An integrated suite of capabilities designed to drive agility into the development, deployment and maintenance of secure DoD applications.

Learn About Milcloud


Supporting the operation and defense of the DOD Information Network (DODIN) by providing virus protection to DODIN assets.
Learn About Antivirus