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  • ‘What Did You Say?’ Hearing Loss and Brain Injuries

    Read the full story: ‘What Did You Say?’ Hearing Loss and Brain Injuries
    U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Stephen D. Schester

    It’s no surprise that some symptoms of traumatic brain injury (TBI) include headaches and memory problems. But hearing loss may also accompany a TBI, either because the injury damages the ear or because there is damage to the part of the brain that processes sound. In addition, loud noises that might just be irritating to people without a brain injury can cause problems such as headaches and fatigue for those with a TBI.

    Research continues to fully understand the mechanisms associated with hearing loss and auditory and vestibular (important part of the ear for balance) system injuries in individuals with TBI, said Katie Stout, director of clinical affairs for Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center. In the meantime, there are specialty treatments and rehabilitation strategies available for hearing and balance challenges in individuals with TBI.

  • Defense Department News: Military Crisis Line Specialist Helps Fellow Veterans

    Read the full story: Defense Department News: Military Crisis Line Specialist Helps Fellow Veterans
    Image of sailor with text: Confidential crisis chat or or text to 838255; 1CALL can save a LIFE;1-800-273-8255 press 1; U.S. Department of Defense; Military Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255 press1

    Knowing where to turn in a time of crisis is important. Many of us have family members, fellow service members, colleagues or friends we can reach out to. But, it’s not always easy, or best, to talk about what we’re going through with someone close to us. A recent Defense Department article explores how a crisis line specialist helps other veterans.

  • College Success After Traumatic Brain Injury

    Read the full story: College Success After Traumatic Brain Injury
    Image courtesy U.S. Army

    As a service member or veteran, you have all the advantages of your military training and experience to help you succeed in college. You’ve learned the importance of discipline, dependability teamwork and how to show respect. You know how to set goals and raise the bar for everyone around you. These skills will serve you well.

    Nevertheless, entering or returning to school after a traumatic brain injury (TBI) may feel challenging. You may find yourself coping with persistent symptoms such as headaches, sleep disturbances, pain, vision and hearing problems, dizziness, and mood changes. You may also feel overwhelmed or have difficulty staying focused.

    Strong support systems at colleges and universities can help you through these challenges. However, it’s important to be your own advocate and educate yourself about what resources are available.

  • Feeling Overwhelmed by the News? You’re Not Alone

    Read the full story: Feeling Overwhelmed by the News? You’re Not Alone
    U.S. Army photo by Spc. Tracy McKithern

    Do you feel overwhelmed by the recent reports of violence in the world? From international terrorist attacks to national civil unrest and violence, social media feeds and news outlets are flooded with powerful imagery, videos and heated debate.

    For our warriors, terrorism and violence are not new topics. Strong opinions and images of violence can be emotional triggers for those who have served in conflicts or for family members who have lost loved ones in similar attacks.

    Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression and intense feelings can resurface when something unsettling happens. When you start to feel overwhelmed, we want you to know that we understand. We offer these tips and resources to help you manage those situations.

  • 4 Tips to End Numbness and Reconnect with Your Emotions

    Read the full story: 4 Tips to End Numbness and Reconnect with Your Emotions
    U.S. Air Force photo by Maj. Luke Talbot

    Feeling emotionally numb or disconnected from those close to you, or from life in general, is a common symptom of some psychological health conditions. If you feel emotional numbness, there are actions you can take to improve your emotional well-being and your psychological health. Below are four tips that may help:

    • Start with your doctors. Your family doctor can help you identify any physical issue that may cause you emotional distress. You can also reach out to a psychological health care provider such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, counselor or social worker to learn techniques you can use to bring your feelings back. For more information on what to ask a psychological health care provider, visit the Real Warriors Campaign website.
    • Talk to those you trust. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with your family, friends or chaplain may help you find the motivation you need to make changes that will improve your mood and feelings. You can also reach out to the DCoE Outreach Center, available day or night. Call 866-966-1020, email or live chat with a resource expert.
  • What Is PTSD?

    Read the full story: What Is PTSD?

    Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that people can develop after being exposed to one or more traumatic events such as a serious accident, combat, or sexual or physical assault. PTSD may also result from direct, indirect or repeated exposure to details of an event, as in the case of first responders, clinicians or other caregivers who work with trauma patients.

    Symptoms of PTSD include re-experiencing the traumatic event in the form of flashbacks, memories, nightmares, or frightening thoughts.