Here for You

helping resources

  • Yellow Ribbon

    Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program

    Yellow Ribbon is an event-driven program designed to help service members and their families prepare for, see-through and reintegrate after deployments.


24/7 Help

Medical Emergencies
Dial 911
Go to nearest Medical Facility

Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1.800.273.TALK (8255)

PHAP Team Member
24-Hour Message Line
1 (866) 417-0707
Regional Case Facilitators

Psychological Health

psychological health advocacy program

Your Bridge to Appropriate Care

The Psychological Health Advocacy Program advocates for Air Force reserve members and their families regarding their mental health. Our case management and outreach services allow our clients to function within the demands of his or her environment. We accomplish this mission by using creative initiatives and collaboration with public & private organizations to effectively address the mental health needs of the Air Force Reserve community.

PHAP Progam Services

The PHAP Team, through telephone calls and/or site visits, provides psychological health referral services to AFRC Reservists and their families to include referral information, follow-up of services rendered, provide outreach services at all AFRC Yellow Ribbon events and assistance to AFRC installation leaders with mental health issues within three regions in the U.S. and Guam. The PHAP Team is not authorized to counsel, diagnose, treat any person requesting assistance.
Yellow Ribbon is an event-driven program designed to help service members and their families prepare for, see through and reintegrate after deployments. PHAP Events will include a presentation of "
Courage to Care" followed by a'breakout sessions to enable Reservists and their family members to obtain and share relevant information.

PHAP Resources

PHAP personnel accept all requests for PHAP services, coordinate referral resources, evaluate customer satisfaction and report their activities to the AFRC PHAP program manager. Referral services shall include, but are not limited to:

  • services for children, suicide prevention,
  • substance abuse awareness,
  • mental health awareness,
  • financial management,
  • anger management,
  • domestic violence awareness & prevention and
  • employment assistance.

Program Offices

PHAP Regional Office Map