DoD Siting Clearinghouse, Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Installations and Environment

Risk of Adverse Impact on Military Operations and Readiness Areas

Section 358 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2011, as amended, states that DoD shall identify geographic areas selected as proposed locations for projects filed, or which may be filed in the future, with the Secretary of Transportation pursuant to section 44178 of title 49, United States Code, where such projects could have an adverse impact on military operations and readiness.

Energy developers are encouraged to consult the maps accessible on this page early in their siting decision processes, and if there is a potential impact, consult the Clearinghouse for an informal review of their project. The maps designate geospatial areas where the introduction of structures associated with projects filed with the FAA pursuant to 49 U.S.C 44718 could have adverse impact on military operations and readiness. Pursuant to Part 211 of title 32, Code of Federal Regulations, adverse impacts could impair or degrade the ability of the armed forces to perform warfighting missions, conduct military operations, and assure readiness to include flight operations, research, development, testing, and evaluation and training. Note that additional RAIMORAs are in development and this is not a complete depiction of all possible RAIMORAs within a given area.

DoD-Approved RAIMORA's
Note that the RAIMORA maps show the potentially impacted area only for the specific identified missions. Other military installations and areas may be located near the RAIMORA’s, so any project contemplated within or in the vicinity of the specific RAIMORA should also seek an informal review via the DoD Siting Clearinghouse as soon as possible. DoD will continually update RAIMORA maps as they are developed and approved.

Low-Level Military Airspace
A national map of low level Military Training Routes and Special Use Airspace with a floor of 1500 feet or below. Military low level airspace is particularly susceptible to impacts from tall structures and any proposed structure will need to be carefully analyzed for potential impacts.

Hazard Impact Maps
Developed by the Military Departments and should be consulted as well.

Please contact the Siting Clearinghouse at if you have any questions.

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