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CHIPS Articles: NAVIFOR Celebrates Navy’s 241st Birthday With Suffolk Leaders

NAVIFOR Celebrates Navy’s 241st Birthday With Suffolk Leaders
By Lt. Cmdr. Megan M. Shutka, NAVIFOR Public Affairs - October 17, 2016
SUFFOLK, Va. — Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR) Sailors, Department of the Navy (DoN) civilians and guests gathered to celebrate the Navy’s 241st Birthday in the Information Warfare Hall of Heroes Auditorium, Suffolk, Virginia, Oct. 13.

This year’s theme "America’s Sailor: For 241 Years — Tough, Bold, and Ready” resounded throughout the celebration which also included the Mayor of Suffolk, The Honorable Linda Johnson; Councilmen of Suffolk; Sailors and DoN civilians from Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command, Navy Network Warfare Command, Fleet Cyber South and Joint Staff.

“Throughout our nation’s history, our Navy has been critical to our security. Today we continue to stand tough, bold, and ready as we celebrate and reflect on our 241st birthday as a service,” said Rear Admiral Matthew Kohler, commander NAVIFOR, during his speech addressing all who gathered to celebrate. “We must learn from history, embrace the wisdom and ethos of forbearers like and willingly accept risk and aggressively apply our skills if we expect to maintain a decisive technical warfighting advantage over our adversaries.”

Maintaining a superb relationship with the city of Suffolk, the Mayor was also invited to speak on behalf of Suffolk in celebrating the Navy’s Birthday.

“The Navy is an integral part of Suffolk and the Hampton Roads community,” said Johnson. “With Admiral Kohler and Naval Information Forces determined to support security of the fleet, and in turn, our country, now more than ever it is important for both military and civilian personnel to join together to pay tribute to the Navy’s history, and to look forward to future partnerships. As your theme indicates, in your 241st year, you are tough, bold and ready, and I am privileged to be with you today to support this sentiment. Happy Birthday!”

As with all Navy Birthday traditions, the youngest and oldest Sailor present ceremoniously cut the Navy Birthday cake. The youngest Sailor present was from NAVIFOR who just happened to check in to the command earlier that day. Seaman Samuel Callahan is from Brownsburg, Indiana, joined the Navy October 2015 and is 19 years old. Following the cake cutting in Navy tradition, Kohler, the oldest Sailor, presented his piece of cake to Callahan as a means to pass the knowledge and experience down to the next generation of Sailor

Kohler implored upon everyone present that despite rising challenges, we face the future with confidence and that’s because it is the Navy Sailor — Tough, Bold and Ready — serving with honor, courage and commitment and who keeps our nation safe.

NAVIFOR' s mission is to support operational commanders ashore and afloat by providing combat-ready Information Warfare forces, which are forward deployable, fully trained, properly manned and capably equipped.

For more information on NAVIFOR, visit the command's web site at, our Navy News Web page at or Facebook page at

Rear Adm. Matthew Kohler, Commander of Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR), Linda Johnson, Mayor of Suffolk, Va., and NAVIFOR’s most junior Sailor Seaman Samuel Callahan cut the official cake to celebrate the Navy's 241st birthday. This year's theme celebrated "America's Sailor, For 241 years: Tough, Bold and Ready!" and marked the Navy's 241st birthday. U.S. Navy photo by Robert Fluegel.
Rear Adm. Matthew Kohler, Commander of Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR), Linda Johnson, Mayor of Suffolk, Va., and NAVIFOR’s most junior Sailor Seaman Samuel Callahan cut the official cake to celebrate the Navy's 241st birthday. This year's theme celebrated "America's Sailor, For 241 years: Tough, Bold and Ready!" and marked the Navy's 241st birthday. U.S. Navy photo by Robert Fluegel.

Rear Adm. Matthew Kohler, Commander of Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR), Linda Johnson, Mayor of Suffolk, Va., and NAVIFOR’s most junior Sailor Seaman Samuel Callahan pose for a group photograph after the Navy's 241st birthday celebration. This year's theme celebrated "America's Sailor, For 241 years: Tough, Bold and Ready!" and marked the Navy's 241st birthday. U.S. Navy photo by Robert Fluegel.
Rear Adm. Matthew Kohler, Commander of Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR), Linda Johnson, Mayor of Suffolk, Va., and NAVIFOR’s most junior Sailor Seaman Samuel Callahan pose for a group photograph after the Navy's 241st birthday celebration. This year's theme celebrated "America's Sailor, For 241 years: Tough, Bold and Ready!" and marked the Navy's 241st birthday. U.S. Navy photo by Robert Fluegel.
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