About DoD Social Media

The Department of Defense Social Media team was created to facilitate DoD’s participation in online and social media communications. Our team manages a number of
platforms, including this blog, that enable commands and organizations
throughout the services and DoD to provide information about their missions
and activities to service members, their families and loved ones, and the
American public.

The social media team also serves as an incubator for new
communication tools, continually seeking additional means of providing
information in a way that is transparent and enables audience participation.

Our team is always available to discuss emerging technologies and assist
public affairs officers in incorporating social media and newly emergent
tools into their communications activities. Contact us at DoDSocialMedia@dma.mil. The Social Media team is part of Defense Media Activity, which operates a number of information tools, such as DoD News, The Pentagon Channel, American Forces Press Service, “Stars and Stripes” newspaper, American Forces Radio and Television Service, and hosts hundreds of websites for the Department of Defense and military services. DMA is a field activity of the Office of the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

7 Responses to About DoD Social Media

  1. John Cameron says:

    outstanding job performance stories of real people….going to enjoy exploring facebook links/transparency….wish i was young again!!

  2. Pingback: military watches

  3. aisha says:

    This rocks! I’m keeping an eye on this for inspiration…

  4. Diyarbakır says:

    I sharing my facebook page this information because i seek emerging media and i find it very good info… So thanks for team. Have a good work..

  5. Kelsey and Aurora says:

    Thanks for your speech today at PRSA!

  6. Mason Lowery says:

    This is a talented team of seasoned and fresh experts. This group is “it” right now in terms of the tip of the spear of DoD social media. Get to know them now, so you can say you were in on the ground floor.

    • jennifer.cragg says:

      Mason, thanks for posting your comment on DoDLive.mil. I will make sure the team members here are aware. V/r, LT Jennifer Cragg

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