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CHIPS Articles: The Navy drives forward with Telematics

The Navy drives forward with Telematics
By Scot Cregan, Navy Installations Command Public Affairs - October 6, 2015
WASHINGTON (NNS) -- The first of approximately 3,330 government vehicles was installed with telematics devices this week as part of the Navy's overall shore energy initiatives.

Vehicles throughout CONUS and OCONUS bases including Guantanamo Bay, Hawaii, and Guam will have devices fitted over the next 90 days. This initiative is part of a partnership between Navy Installations Command and Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC).

"Telematics will be used to help with fuel savings and fleet management of our vehicles," said Earl Smith, public works facilities service manager of NAVFAC headquarters. "We're currently assessing the next phase of installation and working closely with the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Environment) (DASN (E)) to install 'temporary' telematics to assist in the assessment and identification of potential development of alternate fuel vehicle deployment."

Smith added that the initiative also contributes to personnel safety.

Telematics refers to the use of wireless devices and "black box" technologies to transmit data in real time back to an organization using installed devices that collect and transmit data on vehicle use, maintenance requirements or automotive servicing. Telematics will track and record vehicle location, routes driven, mileage, days-per-month used, trips-per-month, and provide various analytical reports or dashboards.

"Data obtained from telematics will enable the Navy to make informed vehicle reduction or allocation decisions," said Winifred Holland, Navy Installations Command transportation program director. "It will also determine which vehicles could be replaced with electric vehicles, and support efforts to change certain behaviors like speeding or excessive idling."

Plans for the shore enterprise include the ability to 'right size' the Navy's vehicle fleet and reduce fuel consumption, ultimately contributing to SECNAV's goal to reduce petroleum consumption by 50 percent, compared to the 2005 baseline. In addition, organizations that adopt telematics often report reductions in the number and severity of accidents and associated reductions in repair cost and lost worktime.

The Marine Corps has been using different forms of telematics at select installations and parts of the recruiting fleet since 2003.

"In addition to reduced fuel consumption, the effect of safer driver behavior has reduced direct accident cost by an average of approximately $300 per vehicle per year," said Marine Corps Vehicle Fleet Director James Gough. "Our studies suggest additional savings may be available in terms of reduced lost work time and liability costs."

Recent presidential Executive Order 13693 "Planning for Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade" requires the use of vehicle telematics in all new passenger vehicles as soon as possible but no later than within two years. As a result, both commands have identified and are implementing a telematics system which also will reduce overall vehicle costs.

October is Energy Action Month! Learn more about how critical energy is to accomplishing the Navy's mission:

For more information about Navy Installations Command and shore energy initiatives, visit

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WASHINGTON (Sept. 29, 2015) A U.S. Navy graphic provided by the Chief of Naval Operations Energy and Environmental Readiness Division for Navy Energy Action Month.  U.S. Navy photo
WASHINGTON (Sept. 29, 2015) A U.S. Navy graphic provided by the Chief of Naval Operations Energy and Environmental Readiness Division for Navy Energy Action Month. U.S. Navy photo
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